

用Branch DNA 技术加速基因表达分析的研究

不如约一约QuantiGene® 吧,它能单孔精确定量3-80种RNA哟~~~

用Branch DNA 技术加速基因表达分析的研究

        Branch DNA(bDNA) technology早已被报道用于检测血液样本中低于100 copies的HIV、HCV病毒分子[1]。2006年,芯片质量协会(MAQC)在 Nature Biotechnology上撰文[2] ,评估了TaqMan qPCR和bDNA(QuantiGene)两种方法在基因定量上的灵敏度和精确度。通过223个gene的定量数据显示bDNA的CV值比qPCR小,更加可靠。

        Affymetrix|Panomics将bDNA技术嫁接在xMAP的开放平台上,就如同生出更多的翅膀,可对同一样本的数十个基因进行定量,节省大量时间,两天内就可以完成近200份样本中80 种基因的定量。

        bDNA技术已经商品化为QuantiGene®试剂盒,根据用户想要检测的靶标设计探针,定制成专属panel进行检测。 近几年应用QuantiGene®的文章在很多高分杂志上发表,用于多个基因表达的同时分析[3-7] ,甚至可以进行DNA拷贝数分析[8] ,端粒长度检测[9]等方面的研究,足见QuantiGene®被研究者认可的同时还为科研工作添砖加瓦。

QuantiGene® 的优势:

  • 分析复杂样本:轻松搞定RNA抽提困难户(如血液、保存已久的FFPE等)
  • 操作简单:无需RNA抽提,类似ELISA操作,简单方便
  • 实验快速:一天半时间可获得7680(96*80)数据点
  • 通量高: 在一个样本中可同时检测3-80种基因的表达水平
  • 特异性高:每个基因设计多个探针,高度的探针覆盖率增强了检测的特异性
  • 用户省心:只要提供检测基因的ID,四周后量身定制的试剂盒就送到您手上
  • 数据质量:数据的精确度与准确度经FDA验证均高于实时荧光定量PCR


1. Collins, M.L., et al., A branched DNA signal amplification assay for quantification of nucleic acid targets below 100 molecules/ml. Nucleic Acids Research, 1997. 25(15): p. 2979-2984.
2. Canales, R.D., et al., Evaluation of DNA microarray results with quantitative gene expression platforms. Nat Biotechnol, 2006. 24(9): p. 1115-22.
3. Pak-Wittel, M.A., et al., Interferon-gamma mediates chemokine-dependent recruitment of natural killer cells during viral infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2013. 110(1): p. E50-9.
4. Haynes, B.C., et al., Mapping functional transcription factor networks from gene expression data. Genome Res, 2013. 23(8): p. 1319-28.
5. Mizukami, T., et al., System Vaccinology for the Evaluation of Influenza Vaccine Safety by Multiplex Gene Detection of Novel Biomarkers in a Preclinical Study and Batch Release Test. PLoS ONE, 2014. 9(7): p. e101835.
6. Cho, H., et al., Differential innate immune response programs in neuronal subtypes determine susceptibility to infection in the brain by positive stranded RNA viruses. Nature medicine, 2013. 19(4): p. 458-464.
7. Paik, S., C. Kim, and N. Wolmark, HER2 Status and Benefit from Adjuvant Trastuzumab in Breast Cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, 2008. 358(13): p. 1409-1411.
8. Harding, T.C., et al., Blockade of nonhormonal fibroblast growth factors by FP-1039 inhibits growth of multiple types of cancer. Sci Transl Med, 2013. 5(178): p. 178ra39.
9. Kibriya, M.G., et al., Measurement of Telomere Length: A New Assay Using QuantiGene Chemistry on a Luminex Platform. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 2014. 23(12): p. 2667-2672.

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