《Neuron》:Experience influences the refinement of feature selectivity in the mouse primary visual thalamus
视觉体验可以改变发育中的视觉丘脑的特征选择性(Visual experience can alter feature selectivity in the developing visual thalamus)。这种发育可塑性会导致丘脑特征选择性的持久变化(Developmental plasticity leads to long-lasting changes in thalamic feature selectivity)。这种可塑性通过改变视网膜输入的强度来表达,而不是通过皮层丘脑输入的强度(Plasticity is expressed by changes in retinal, but not corticothalamic, input strength)。在成年动物中也存在丘脑可塑性,但与发育中的动物相比,这种可塑性更为短暂(Thalamic plasticity is present in adult animals but more transient than in development)。这些结果揭示了视觉丘脑中意想不到的可塑性程度,并表明显著的环境特征可以在特定的发育窗口期间被编码到丘脑回路中(These results reveal an unexpected degree of plasticity in the visual thalamus and show that salient environmental features can be encoded in thalamic circuits during a discrete developmental window)。