div data-thumb="https://scx1.b-cdn.net/csz/news/tmb/2023/rethinking-the-protein-2.jpg" data-src="https://scx2.b-cdn.net/gfx/news/hires/2023/rethinking-the-protein-2.jpg" data-sub-html="Two-step strategy for repeatable site-specific gene circuit integration. a, Network diagram of regulatory interactions and phenotypic impacts for native and ectopic BACH1. ‘BACH1e’ indicates the ectopic BACH1 gene introduced and controlled via the mNF gene circuit, whereas ‘BACH1n’ indicates the native BACH1 gene; ‘BACH1p’ indicates the BACH1 protein. The same notation applies to RKIP. b, A phenotype as a function of the mean and/or variability of one or more protein’s levels defines a phenotypic landscape. Conventional therapy assumes monotone phenotypic landscapes. However, uncovering the actual landscape requires protein-level tuning. c, Schematic diagram of the two-step strategy for repeatable AAVS1 site-specific integration of genetic payloads, such as synthetic gene circuits. Left: LP insertion into AAVS1 with CRISPR–Cas9. Right: RMCE-based LP-specific integration of the mNF gene circuit that controls the expression of the eGFP::BACH1 bifunctional fusion. Step 2 is repeatable by using different selection markers. espCas9, enhanced specificity SpCas9; NeoR, neomycin resistance gene. d, Synthetic mNF gene circuit for dox-controlled tuning of the TetR co-expressed with either the GFP reporter (mNF-GFP) protein levels or GFP::BACH1 fusion (mNF-BACH1) protein levels after site-specific integration. KS, Kozak sequence; TetO, tetracycline operator. Credit: Nature Chemical Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41589-023-01344-z" 可重复位点特异性基因电路整合的两步策略。 一个,本地和异位BACH1调控相互作用和表型影响的网络图。' BACH1e '表示通过mNF基因回路引入和控制的异位BACH1基因,而' BACH1n '表示原生BACH1基因;' BACH1p '表示BACH1蛋白。同样的符号也适用于RKIP。 b表型作为一种或多种蛋白质水平的平均值和/或可变性的函数定义了表型景观。传统的治疗假设是单调的表型景观。然而,揭示真实的景观需要蛋白质水平的调整。 c2 .可重复的AAVS1位点特异性遗传有效载荷(如合成基因电路)整合的两步策略示意图。左:LP插入 AAVS1CRISPR-Cas9。右图:基于rmce的lp特异性整合的mNF基因电路,控制eGFP::BACH1双功能融合的表达。通过使用不同的选择标记,可以重复步骤2。espCas9,增强特异性SpCas9;NeoR,新霉素耐药基因。 d合成的mNF基因电路,用于在位点特异性整合后与GFP报告蛋白(mNF-GFP)蛋白水平或GFP::BACH1融合蛋白(mNF-BACH1)蛋白水平共表达的TetR进行dox控制调节。KS, Kozak序列;TetO,四环素操作员。信贷: 自然化学生物学(2023)。DOI: 10.1038 / s41589 - 023 - 01344 - z