《ANTEC 2012最佳论文》获奖论文在药物生产中的应用

【字体: 时间:2023年11月22日 来源:陈丽莎


  ANTEC 2012上,孙陆逸博士、相里辰等人的获奖论文《通过原位合成制备插层有机/无机杂化材料》在发表十年之后,获奖论文的第一作者相里辰博士受邀加入中国最大的干细胞研究、储存和治疗机构之一博雅生命,利用他的研究成果开展有关药物包衣和在干细胞治疗产品中的保存的新方法。


作者:陈丽莎)2012年,得克萨斯州立大学的孙陆逸博士、相里辰等人的一篇开创性论文《通过原位合成制备插层有机/无机杂化材料》荣获了备受瞩目的SPE“ANTEC 2012最佳论文”奖。ANTEC 2012大会吸引了来自全球塑料专业人士的700多篇投稿。成立于1942年的塑料工程师学会(SPE)是一家领先的国际组织,致力于推动全球塑料专业人员的知识和教育。SPE在塑料行业的未来发展中发挥着关键作用,其会员数量超过20,000人,分布在美国和70个国家。每年举办的ANTEC大会涵盖了从材料到新兴技术的一系列主题,并为行业专业人士提供了分享创新思想的平台。

In 2012, a groundbreaking paper titled “Preparation of Intercalated Organic/Inorganic Hybrids via In situ Synthesis” by Dr. Luyi Sun, Lichen Xiang, and their team at Texas State University, was honored with the prestigious SPE "ANTEC 2012 Best Paper" Award. The ANTEC 2012 conference gathered over 700 submissions from global plastics professionals.The Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC’s organizer, founded in 1942, is a leading international organization dedicated to advancing knowledge and education for plastics professionals worldwide. SPE plays a pivotal role in shaping the plastics industry's future, with a membership exceeding 20,000 in the United States and spanning 70 countries. The ANTEC conference, held annually, hosts sessions covering a spectrum of topics, from materials to emerging technologies, and offers a platform for industry professionals to share groundbreaking ideas.

ANTEC是全球塑料工业最大的技术会议。在ANTEC 2012上,孙陆逸博士、相里辰等人的获奖论文《通过原位合成制备插层有机/无机杂化材料》介绍了一种通过在聚合物/单体基质中原位合成纳米片剂的革命性方法。

The ANTEC is the largest technical conference in the plastics industry worldwide. At ANTEC 2012, Dr. Luyi Sun, Lichen Xiang, and their team's award-winning paper-- “Preparation of Intercalated Organic/Inorganic Hybrids via in situ Synthesis” introduced a revolutionary approach to creating nanostructured hybrid materials through in situ synthesis of nanoplatelets within the polymer/monomer matrix.


Traditionally, layered inorganic nanocomposites intercalate with polymer via a layer-by-layer assembling process and have to use pre-synthesized mono-layered or interlayer space-opened nanofillers/nanoplatelets to react with the polymers. However, Xiang's paper reported a new approach to preparing nanostructured hybrid materials via in-situ synthesis of nanoplatelets within the polymer/monomer matrix. The innovative method involved the in-situ synthesis of alpha-zirconium phosphate (ZrP) within a solution system containing a polymer (such as polyethylene glycol, PEG) or monomer. During the synthesis of ZrP, PEG chains were embedded into the ZrP interlayer space, leading to a larger interlayer distance, similar to the intercalated layered compound. This pioneering research expands the possibilities of nanostructured composite materials and opens avenues for applications in various fields, including drug delivery, coatings, and the study of polymers constrained within layers.


A decade after the publication of this paper, Dr. Lichen Xiang, the first author of the award-winning paper, now an established scientist, has expanded the significance of this piece of paper to practical importance. He is invited by Boyalife, one of the largest stem research, storage and treatment institution in China to utilize his studies to develop new methods about drug coating and preservation in stem cell treatment products. He stated, “Our research in the field of ZrP nanocomposite materials, benefited from the innovative in-situ intercalation method, serves as a pioneered innovation power of materials science, especially in the layered materials. It expands the previously achievable goals and has earned acclaim from the scientific community, reaffirming its profound impact and potential in driving progress in various scientific and technological domains."

参见论文:Xiang, L., Milner, M. F., Martin, J. C., Southworth, C. S., Gummelt, C. A., and Sun, L. (2012) Preparation of Intercalated Organic/Inorganic Hybrids via in situ synthesis. Proceedings of Annual Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers 2012, 70.

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