img src="" alt="Researchers identify mechanisms of pregnancy-associated heart growth" title="Cardiac Zfp36l2 deletion induces heart failure. (A) Survival of Zfp36l2 KO mice and control mice after an average of 2 pregnancies delivery. (B) Echo measurements in Zfp36l2 KO and control mice 7 days after first delivery (n = 8-9). (C-E) Gross cardiac examination (C), heart weight divided by tibial length (HW/TL) (D; n = 7-8), and Anf and Bnp levels (E, n = 4) in Zfp36l2 KO and control mice 7 days after the first pregnancy. (F) Histology and assessment of the degree of fibrosis in Zfp36l2 KO and control littermates 7 days after first delivery. The scale indicates 50 μm (n = 3 mice and 3 sections per mouse). (G) Cross-sectional area in Zfp36l2 KO and control littermates 7 days after first delivery (n = 3 mice and 20 cardiomyocytes per mouse). Data were analyzed by Log-rank test with Bonferroni post-hoc analyses for multiple group comparison (A) or unpaired Student t test (B,D,E,G). Credit: Journal of Clinical Investigation (2022). DOI: 10.1172/JCI154491" width="636" height="379"心脏Zfp36l2缺失引起心力衰竭。(A) Zfp36l2 KO小鼠和对照组小鼠平均2次妊娠后的存活率。(B)第一次分娩后7天,Zfp36l2 KO和对照组小鼠的回声测量(n = 8-9)。心脏大体检查(C),心脏重量除以胫骨长度(HW/TL) (D;n = 7-8),以及Zfp36l2 KO和对照小鼠第一次妊娠后7天Anf和Bnp水平(E, n = 4)。(F)第一次分娩后7天,Zfp36l2胎鼠和对照组胎鼠的组织学和纤维化程度评估。刻度为50 μm (n = 3只小鼠,每只小鼠3个切片)。(G)第一次分娩后7天,Zfp36l2 KO和对照组同窝鼠的横截面积(n = 3只小鼠,每只小鼠20个心肌细胞)。数据通过Log-rank检验和Bonferroni事后分析进行多组比较(A)或未配对的Student t检验(B,D,E,G)。