
【字体: 时间:2016年09月22日 来源:南京农业大学




2016年9月9日,微生物学领域国际权威期刊《Environmental Microbiology》在线发表了南京农业大学生命科学学院应用真菌学课题组的最新研究成果“Hydrogen-rich water regulates effects of ROS balance on morphology, growth and secondary metabolism via glutathione peroxidase in Ganoderma lucidum”。南农大青年教师任昂为该论文第一作者,赵明文教授为通讯作者。




Hydrogen-rich water regulates effects of ROS balance on morphology, growth and secondary metabolism via glutathione peroxidase in Ganoderma lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most important medicinal fungi, but the lack of basic study on the fungus has hindered the further development of its value. To investigate the roles of the redox system in G. lucidum, acetic acid (HAc) was applied as a reactive oxygen species (ROS) stress inducer, and hydrogen-rich water (HRW) was used to relieve the ROS stress in this study. Our results demonstrate that the treatment of 5% HRW significantly decreased the ROS content, maintained biomass and polar growth morphology of mycelium, and decreased secondary metabolism under HAc-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, the roles of HRW were largely dependent on restoring the glutathione system under HAc stress in G. lucidum. To provide further evidence, we used two glutathione peroxidase (GPX)-defective strains, the gpxi strain, the mercaptosuccinic acid (MS, a GPX inhibitor)-treated wide-type (WT) strain, and gpx overexpression strains for further research. The results show that HRW was unable to relieve the HAc-induced ROS overproduction, decreased biomass, mycelium morphology change and increased secondary metabolism biosynthesis in the absence of GPX function. The gpx overexpression strains exhibited resistance to HAc-induced oxidative stress. Thus, we propose that HRW regulates morphology, growth and secondary metabolism via glutathione peroxidase under HAc stress in the fungus G. lucidum. Furthermore, our research also provides a method to study the ROS system in other fungi.

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