
【字体: 时间:2016年08月26日 来源:生物通


  8月22日,四川农业大学动物科技学院的研究人员在《BMC Genomics》发表题为“Genome-wide identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs in developmental skeletal muscle of fetal goat”的研究成果。这项研究提供了一份山羊肌肉相关lncRNA的目录,将有助于我们更全面地了解哺乳动物肌肉发育的根本分子机制。



8月22日,四川农业大学动物科技学院的研究人员在《BMC Genomics》发表题为“Genome-wide identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs in developmental skeletal muscle of fetal goat”的研究成果。这项研究提供了一份山羊肌肉相关lncRNA的目录,将有助于我们更全面地了解哺乳动物肌肉发育的根本分子机制。四川农业大学动物科技学院的张红平教授和李利教授,是本文共同通讯作者。

全基因组转录研究表明,真核基因组的大型区域被转录为一个异质化的非编码RNAs(ncRNAs)群。一般来说,小于200个核苷酸的ncRNA通常被描述为小RNA,例如,microRNA(miRNA)、Piwi互动RNAs(piRNAs)、小干扰RNAs(siRNAs),和经典的ncRNA,如核糖体RNAs(rRNA)、转移RNAs(tRNA)和小nucleolar RNAs(snoRNAs);大于200个核苷酸的ncRNA被描述为长非编码RNA(lncRNA)。在过去的几年中,越来越多的lncRNAs在哺乳动物中已被发现,包括智人、小鼠、牛、猪和绵羊。并据此推出,lncRNA在生物过程(如转录调控)、表观遗传修饰、发育、细胞分化以及一些疾病中,发挥关键的作用。相关阅读:Nature子刊:最新发现3000多个LncRNACell子刊:lncRNA其实没那么重要?

作为全球重要的经济动物,家养山羊(Capra hircus)主要用于肉食的生产。因此,揭示骨骼肌形成和发育的分子机制,是至关重要的。肌肉的发育是一个复杂的过程,需要多因素的协同表达和相互作用。最近的一些研究表明,lncRNA在成肌分化和肌肉生成过程中起着至关重要的作用。然而,目前探索哺乳动物骨骼肌生长发育分子机制的大多数策略是,通过高通量测序技术检测编码基因的表达和功能,如MRF(生肌调节因子)、MEF2(肌细胞增强因子-2)家族和配对盒蛋白,这些策略也应用于山羊miRNA和mRNA表达谱的分析。因此,关于骨骼肌发育相关lncRNAs的信息,仍然是有限的,特别是山羊中。

了解Illumina HiSeq 2000平台的更多信息

在这项研究中,研究人员使用Illumina HiSeq 2500平台,系统地鉴定和表征了山羊胚胎和产后山羊骨骼肌中的lncRNAs。总共确定了3981个lncRNA转录本,其中577个在不同发育阶段的骨骼肌RNA文库之间的成对比较中,是显著差异表达的。据我们所知,目前还没有对山羊肌肉lncRNA及其生物学功能的相关报道。因此,这些研究结果将为我们更好的理解山羊lncRNAs的调控功能以及注释山羊基因组,提供了一种有用的资源,也有助于更好地理解哺乳动物的骨骼肌发育。


注:张红平,男,教授(硕、博导)。四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选;农业部“全国肉羊遗传改良计划” 专家组成员;“四川省丘区三市现代畜牧业科技特派员”、 “四川省新农村建设示范片农业科技园区科技特派员”;科技部、中央组织部、人力资源社会保障部、国务院扶贫办 “三区”人才支持计划科技人员;2013.04被中共简阳市委、简阳市人民政府授予“国家级新品种简州大耳羊培育特别贡献奖”;四川农业大学教学督导组成员。

李利,女,教授(硕导)。四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选,四川省新农村建设示范片农业科技园区科技特派员,四川农业大学动物遗传育种研究所草食动物研究室主任。主要从事羊(山羊和绵羊)遗传多样性与新品种选育等方面的工作。目前,所在团队主要基于RNA-seq数据,利用绵羊、山羊肌肉和脂肪组织以及骨骼肌卫星细胞和前体脂肪细胞等材料,研究编码基因的可变剪切以及非编码RNA包括lncRNA (sense and antisense), miRNA, circRNA对肌肉与脂肪生长发育的调控机制。羊(山羊和绵羊)遗传多样性研究、重要经济性状的分子生物学机制、品种资源与新品种选育等方面的研究。

Genome-wide identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs in developmental skeletal muscle of fetal goat

Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been studied extensively over the past few years. Large numbers of lncRNAs have been identified in mouse, rat, and human, and some of them have been shown to play important roles in muscle development and myogenesis. However, there are few reports on the characterization of lncRNAs covering all the development stages of skeletal muscle in livestock.

RNA libraries constructed from developing longissimus dorsi muscle of fetal (45, 60, and 105 days of gestation) and postnatal (3 days after birth) goat (Capra hircus) were sequenced. A total of 1,034,049,894 clean reads were generated. Among them, 3981 lncRNA transcripts corresponding to 2739 lncRNA genes were identified, including 3515 intergenic lncRNAs and 466 anti-sense lncRNAs. Notably, in pairwise comparisons between the libraries of skeletal muscle at the different development stages, a total of 577 transcripts were differentially expressed (P < 0.05) which were validated by qPCR using randomly selected six lncRNA genes. The identified goat lncRNAs shared some characteristics, such as fewer exons and shorter length, with the lncRNAs in other mammals. We also found 1153 lncRNAs genes were neighbored 1455 protein-coding genes (<10 kb upstream and downstream) and functionally enriched in transcriptional regulation and development-related processes, indicating they may be in cis-regulatory relationships. Additionally, Pearson’s correlation coefficients of co-expression levels suggested 1737 lncRNAs and 19,422 mRNAs were possibly in trans-regulatory relationships (r > 0.95 or r < −0.95). These co-expressed mRNAs were enriched in development-related biological processes such as muscle system processes, regulation of cell growth, muscle cell development, regulation of transcription, and embryonic morphogenesis.

This study provides a catalog of goat muscle-related lncRNAs, and will contribute to a fuller understanding of the molecular mechanism underpinning muscle development in mammals.

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