
【字体: 时间:2016年02月17日 来源:生物通




生物通报道:莱姆症(Lyme Disease)是一种人畜共通传染病,最早于1975年发生在美国康乃狄克州的莱姆镇而由此得名。这种疾病是最常见的由虱子传播的传染病,其真正病原是螺旋体细菌类的伯氏疏螺旋菌(Borrelia burgdorferi),这种细菌还能导致人类发生关节炎,去年加拿大女歌手艾薇儿就身患该种疾病。


“改进后的诊断方法能用于莱姆症急诊所需,”文章作者,加州大学旧金山分校Charles Chiu说,“传染莱姆症的蜱虫也会传播许多其它的病原体,早期诊断是指导进行适当的治疗和预防疾病后期并发症的关键所在。”


“就我们所知,这是首个记录细菌感染进行抗生素治疗后发生基因表达变化的研究,”文章作者,约翰霍普金斯医学院莱姆病临床研究中心主任John Aucott说。

与此同时,研究人员也发现B. burgdorferi 膜蛋白检测可以作为另外一种可行的诊断技术。

“我们认为莱姆细菌会从细胞壁中衍生出囊泡状微粒或片段,这种微粒中包含有膜蛋白,可以作为独特的感染指标,”另外一位作者Larik Turko说,“从这许多候选中,我们选择了ospA,因为ospA易于与人体内其它血清蛋白区分开来,也可以作为细菌的一个明确指标。”

经过实验验证,一位未确诊莱姆症的患者利用这种转录组技术能在标准检测方法确诊之前三周,就能检测到细菌,而同时另外一项发表在 Analytical Chemistry杂志上的文章指出,另外两位患者也能利用新技术同时检测出感染来。




Longitudinal Transcriptome Analysis Reveals a Sustained Differential Gene Expression Signature in Patients Treated for Acute Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, and approximately 10 to 20% of patients report persistent symptoms lasting months to years despite appropriate treatment with antibiotics. To gain insights into the molecular basis of acute Lyme disease and the ensuing development of post-treatment symptoms, we conducted a longitudinal transcriptome study of 29 Lyme disease patients (and 13 matched controls) enrolled at the time of diagnosis and followed for up to 6 months. The differential gene expression signature of Lyme disease following the acute phase of infection persisted for at least 3 weeks and had fewer than 44% differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in common with other infectious or noninfectious syndromes. Early Lyme disease prior to antibiotic therapy was characterized by marked upregulation of Toll-like receptor signaling but lack of activation of the inflammatory T-cell apoptotic and B-cell developmental pathways seen in other acute infectious syndromes. Six months after completion of therapy, Lyme disease patients were found to have 31 to 60% of their pathways in common with three different immune-mediated chronic diseases. No differential gene expression signature was observed between Lyme disease patients with resolved illness to those with persistent symptoms at 6 months post-treatment. The identification of a sustained differential gene expression signature in Lyme disease suggests that a panel of selected human host-based biomarkers may address the need for sensitive clinical diagnostics during the “window period” of infection prior to the appearance of a detectable antibody response and may also inform the development of new therapeutic targets.

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