
【字体: 时间:2016年10月19日 来源:生物通


  来自北京师范大学,认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,徐州医学院等处的研究人员结合电生理和局部脑区失活技术,第一次通过多角度的实验证据,揭示顶内沟外侧壁(Lateral Intraparietal area, LIP)的不同亚区分别更着重参与视觉或视觉-眼动转换过程。


生物通报道:来自北京师范大学,认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,徐州医学院等处的研究人员结合电生理和局部脑区失活技术,第一次通过多角度的实验证据,揭示顶内沟外侧壁(Lateral Intraparietal area, LIP)的不同亚区分别更着重参与视觉或视觉-眼动转换过程。

这一研究成果公布在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)杂志上,文章的通讯作者是北京师范大学张鸣沙教授与徐州医学院刘玉(Liu Yu,音译)。张鸣沙教授致力于研究认知功能的神经机制。通过使用视觉、眼动和手动系统作为行为模型,研究认知功能如何对行为(如视觉感知、眼睛运动和手部运动)和神经活动产生影响。


然而,形态学和解剖连接的研究提示LIP可以分为两个亚区,背侧亚区(LIPd)和腹侧亚区(LIPv)。相较于LIPd,LIPv与眼动中心——前额叶眼动区(frontal eye filed, FEF)和上丘(Superior colliculus)的深部区域,有着更为紧密的连接。这种结构上的不同提示LIP的两个亚区可能具有不同的功能。

在这篇文章中,研究人员利用电生理记录和局部脑区失活等方法,对LIPd和LIPv的功能进行了对比研究。他们采用间隔眼动任务(gap saccade task),可以将在记忆指导的眼动任务(memory guided saccade task)的记忆期具有持续性电活动(persistent activity)的神经元分为视觉相关(vision-related)和视觉-眼动相关(vision-saccade-related)两类。

随着记录深度的增加,即由LIPd到LIPv,视觉-眼动相关神经元的比例逐渐增加。同时,局部场电位(LFP)也由视觉相关逐渐转变为与视觉-眼动相关。通过对LIPd和LIPv分别注射GABAa激动剂muscimol进行可逆失活,发现只有LIPv的失活会显著影响眼动反应时间——特快快速眼动(express saccade)的发生比例显著下降(如图3所示)。



研究领域 :认知神经机制研究

致力于研究认知功能的神经机制。通过使用视觉、眼动和手动系统作为行为模型,研究认知功能如何对行为(如视觉感知、眼睛运动和手部运动)和神经活动产生影响。目前,实验室的主要工作集中于研究空间感知和空间注意力的神经机制。我们把心理物理、脑成像、单神经元记录和计算模型等方法相结合,以人类和其他高级灵长类动物为对象,来研究认知和脑之间的关系。在研究认知活动、大脑神经元电生理反应和行为方面做出了突出成绩。成果发表在Nature Neuroscience(通讯作者和并列第一作者)和Progress in Brain Research(通讯作者和第一作者)。在同期的Nature Neuroscience News and Views 专栏,国际同行高度评价了这一工作。


Two subdivisions of macaque LIP process visual-oculomotor information differently

Although the cerebral cortex is thought to be composed of functionally distinct areas, the actual parcellation of area and assignment of function are still highly controversial. An example is the much-studied lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP). Despite the general agreement that LIP plays an important role in visual-oculomotor transformation, it remains unclear whether the area is primary sensory- or motor-related (the attention-intention debate). Although LIP has been considered as a functionally unitary area, its dorsal (LIPd) and ventral (LIPv) parts differ in local morphology and long-distance connectivity. In particular, LIPv has much stronger connections with two oculomotor centers, the frontal eye field and the deep layers of the superior colliculus, than does LIPd. Such anatomical distinctions imply that compared with LIPd, LIPv might be more involved in oculomotor processing. We tested this hypothesis physiologically with a memory saccade task and a gap saccade task. We found that LIP neurons with persistent memory activities in memory saccade are primarily provoked either by visual stimulation (vision-related) or by both visual and saccadic events (vision-saccade–related) in gap saccade. The distribution changes from predominantly vision-related to predominantly vision-saccade–related as the recording depth increases along the dorsal-ventral dimension. Consistently, the simultaneously recorded local field potential also changes from visual evoked to saccade evoked. Finally, local injection of muscimol (GABA agonist) in LIPv, but not in LIPd, dramatically decreases the proportion of express saccades. With these results, we conclude that LIPd and LIPv are more involved in visual and visual-saccadic processing, respectively.

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