
【字体: 时间:2015年07月28日 来源:生物通


  最近,美国Sanford Burnham Prebys医学研究所(SBP)、美国国家癌症研究所和泰国Chulabhorn研究所的研究人员发现,阻断一个重要免疫受体(淋巴毒素β受体,LTβR)的活性,可降低肝癌的进展。相关研究结果,发表七月二十三日的国际权威学术期刊《Gut》,可能为肝癌带来新的治疗策略。


生物通报道:肝癌,是全球癌症相关死亡的第三大原因。最近,美国Sanford Burnham Prebys医学研究所(SBP)、美国国家癌症研究所和泰国Chulabhorn研究所的研究人员发现,阻断一个重要免疫受体(淋巴毒素β受体,LTβR)的活性,可降低肝癌的进展。相关研究结果,发表七月二十三日的国际权威学术期刊《Gut》,可能为肝癌带来新的治疗策略。延伸阅读:仅用尿液检测早期肝癌转移

本文共同作者、SBP炎症性疾病中心主任Carl Ware博士指出:“我们的研究结果,指出了一种新的方法,来改善肝癌患者的治疗。将靶定致癌基因信号的药物,与目前临床试验中可阻断LTβR活性的药物相结合,可能是改善患者预后的一个有价值的新方法。”



与美国国家癌症研究所癌症和炎症项目的Robert Wiltrout博士、Anthony Scarzello合作,研究小组向小鼠导入可致肝癌的Akt /β连环蛋白或AKT /Notch癌基因,然后在给小鼠服用LTβR活化剂(激动剂)或抑制剂(拮抗剂)后,监测肝癌的进展。在服用激动剂的小鼠中,肝肿瘤迅速增殖和进展。与之相反,服用拮抗剂的小鼠,经历了肿瘤进展减缓和生存率升高。

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加州大学圣地亚哥分校Moores癌症中心血液学和肿瘤学部门的临床副教授Paul Timothy Fanta指出:“肝胆系统癌症,包括胆管癌和肝细胞癌,通常出现在晚期,肝功能受损,对化疗反应不佳,由于缺乏可用的治疗方案,患者的生存率较低。”



LTβR signalling preferentially accelerates oncogenic AKT-initiated liver tumours
Objectives The relative contributions of inflammatory signalling and sequential oncogenic dysregulation driving liver cancer pathogenesis remain incompletely understood. Lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) signalling is critically involved in hepatitis and liver tumorigenesis. Therefore, we explored the interdependence of inflammatory lymphotoxin signalling and specific oncogenic pathways in the progression of hepatic cancer.

Design Pathologically distinct liver tumours were initiated by hydrodynamic transfection of oncogenic V-Akt Murine Thymoma Viral Oncogene Homolog 1 (AKT)/β-catenin or AKT/Notch expressing plasmids. To investigate the relationship of LTβR signalling and specific oncogenic pathways, LTβR antagonist (LTβR-Fc) or agonist (anti-LTβR) were administered post oncogene transfection. Initiated livers/tumours were investigated for changes in oncogene expression, tumour proliferation, progression, latency and pathology. Moreover, specific LTβR-mediated molecular events were investigated in human liver cancer cell lines and through transcriptional analyses of samples from patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC).

Results AKT/β-catenin-transfected livers displayed increased expression of LTβ and LTβR, with antagonism of LTβR signalling reducing tumour progression and enhancing survival. Conversely, enforced LTβR-activation of AKT/β-catenin-initiated tumours induced robust increases in proliferation and progression of hepatic tumour phenotypes in an AKT-dependent manner. LTβR-activation also rapidly accelerated ICC progression initiated by AKT/Notch, but not Notch alone. Moreover, LTβR-accelerated development coincides with increases of Notch, Hes1, c-MYC, pAKT and β-catenin. We further demonstrate LTβR signalling in human liver cancer cell lines to be a regulator of Notch, pAKTser473 and β-catenin. Transcriptome analysis of samples from patients with ICC links increased LTβR network expression with poor patient survival, increased Notch1 expression and Notch and AKT/PI3K signalling.

Conclusions Our findings link LTβR and oncogenic AKT signalling in the development of ICC.

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