
【字体: 时间:2015年06月30日 来源:生物通


  来自西北大学的研究人员发现位于我们大脑左脑颞叶中的一块形似热狗的区域,即韦尼克氏区(Wernicke's area)并不是语言理解的中枢,这打破了140年以来大脑科学的经典观点。

  ——研究人员发现一个多世纪以来被认为是语言理解区域的韦尼克氏区(Wernicke's area)实际上并不是语言理解的关键部位

生物通报道:最新人类大脑语言中枢图谱公布。来自西北大学的研究人员发现位于我们大脑左脑颞叶中的一块形似热狗的区域,即韦尼克氏区(Wernicke's area)并不是语言理解的中枢,这打破了140年以来大脑科学的经典观点。


领导这一研究的是西北大学认知神经学系和阿尔茨海默症中心主任Marek-Marsel Mesulam,他表示,“这为我们理解大脑语言理解能力提出了一个重要的新观点。”

神经学家Carl Wernicke 在1874年发现一些中风患者如果大脑左侧被损伤,就会出现语言障碍的症状,这后来被称为Wernicke 失语。由于这些病患虽然说出来的话无意义,并且无法了解简单的指令,但仍然吐词清楚,因此Wernicke和其他研究人员认为他们的中风损伤的是大脑语言理解中心。

在这项最新研究中,Mesulam 和他的同事并不是以中风患者作为研究对象,他们分析了一种罕见的语言受影响症状:原发性进行性失语(primary progressive aphasia,PPA,生物通译)。Mesulam本人就是PPA方面的专家,他认为PPA患者的Wernicke区域受损,但是并不会出现类似中风患者脑损伤的情况。







The Wernicke conundrum and the anatomy of language comprehension in primary progressive aphasia

Wernicke’s aphasia is characterized by severe word and sentence comprehension impairments. The location of the underlying lesion site, known as Wernicke’s area, remains controversial. Questions related to this controversy were addressed in 72 patients with primary progressive aphasia who collectively displayed a wide spectrum of cortical atrophy sites and language impairment patterns. Clinico-anatomical correlations were explored at the individual and group levels. These analyses showed that neuronal loss in temporoparietal areas, traditionally included within Wernicke’s area, leave single word comprehension intact and cause inconsistent impairments of sentence comprehension. The most severe sentence comprehension impairments were associated with a heterogeneous set of cortical atrophy sites variably encompassing temporoparietal components of Wernicke’s area, Broca’s area, and dorsal premotor cortex. Severe comprehension impairments for single words, on the other hand, were invariably associated with peak atrophy sites in the left temporal pole and adjacent anterior temporal cortex, a pattern of atrophy that left sentence comprehension intact. These results show that the neural substrates of word and sentence comprehension are dissociable and that a circumscribed cortical area equally critical for word and sentence comprehension is unlikely to exist anywhere in the cerebral cortex. Reports of combined word and sentence comprehension impairments in Wernicke’s aphasia come almost exclusively from patients with cerebrovascular accidents where brain damage extends into subcortical white matter. The syndrome of Wernicke’s aphasia is thus likely to reflect damage not only to the cerebral cortex but also to underlying axonal pathways, leading to strategic cortico-cortical disconnections within the language network. The results of this investigation further reinforce the conclusion that the left anterior temporal lobe, a region ignored by classic aphasiology, needs to be inserted into the language network with a critical role in the multisynaptic hierarchy underlying word comprehension and object naming.

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