
【字体: 时间:2015年04月17日 来源:生物通


  最近,美国霍普金斯大学的研究人员在一项小型研究中发现,其子女有自闭症早期征兆的父亲,他们的精子DNA表现出不同的调控标记模式,可能会促成疾病的发展。这一研究结果四月十五日发表在国际权威杂志《国际流行病学杂志》(International Journal of Epidemiology)。


生物通报道:最近,美国霍普金斯大学的研究人员在一项小型研究中发现,其子女有自闭症早期征兆的父亲,他们的精子DNA表现出不同的调控标记模式,可能会促成疾病的发展。这一研究结果四月十五日发表在国际权威杂志《国际流行病学杂志》(International Journal of Epidemiology)。


约翰霍普金斯大学医学院表观遗传学中心主任、分子医学教授Andrew Feinberg 指出:“我们想知道,在一个人患上自闭症之前到底发生了什么?”Wendy Klag自闭症和发育障碍研究中心主任、Bloomberg公共卫生学院精神保健系主任、本文共同通讯作者Daniele Fallin教授补充说:“如果表观遗传学变异是通过父亲传递给他们的孩子,我们应该能够在精子中探测到它们。”

除了比从女性卵细胞更容易取样之外,精子更容易受到环境的影响,这可能会改变它们DNA上的表观遗传学标记。Feinberg、Fallin和他们研究小组对44位父亲精子DNA上的表观遗传标记,进行了评估。这些男性是正在进行的一项研究的一部分,这项研究旨在评估孩子在诊断为自闭症之前受哪些因素的影响。该研究招募了已经生育一名自闭症患儿的孕妇,并收集了这些母亲、新生儿父亲及出生后婴儿本身的信息和生物学样品。在妊娠早期,研究人员从参与这项研究的父亲当中收集了精子样品。孩子出生后一年,使用Autism Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI)量表评估他或她的早期自闭症迹象。





Paternal sperm DNA methylation associated with early signs of autism risk in an autism-enriched cohort
Background: Epigenetic mechanisms such as altered DNA methylation have been suggested to play a role in autism, beginning with the classical association of Prader-Willi syndrome, an imprinting disorder, with autistic features.
Objectives: Here we tested for the relationship of paternal sperm DNA methylation with autism risk in offspring, examining an enriched-risk cohort of fathers of autistic children.
Methods: We examined genome-wide DNA methylation (DNAm) in paternal semen biosamples obtained from an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) enriched-risk pregnancy cohort, the Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation (EARLI) cohort, to estimate associations between sperm DNAm and prospective ASD development, using a 12-month ASD symptoms assessment, the Autism Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI). We analysed methylation data from 44 sperm samples run on the CHARM 3.0 array, which contains over 4 million probes (over 7 million CpG sites), including 30 samples also run on the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 (450K) BeadChip platform (∼485 000 CpG sites). We also examined associated regions in an independent sample of post-mortem human brain ASD and control samples for which Illumina 450K DNA methylation data were available.
Results: Using region-based statistical approaches, we identified 193 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in paternal sperm with a family-wise empirical P-value [family-wise error rate (FWER)] <0.05 associated with performance on the Autism Observational Scale for Infants (AOSI) at 12 months of age in offspring. The DMRs clustered near genes involved in developmental processes, including many genes in the SNORD family, within the Prader-Willi syndrome gene cluster. These results were consistent among the 75 probes on the Illumina 450K array that cover AOSI-associated DMRs from CHARM. Further, 18 of 75 (24%) 450K array probes showed consistent differences in the cerebellums of autistic individuals compared with controls.
Conclusions: These data suggest that epigenetic differences in paternal sperm may contribute to autism risk in offspring, and provide evidence that directionally consistent, potentially related epigenetic mechanisms may be operating in the cerebellum of individuals with autism.

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