
【字体: 时间:2014年03月14日 来源:生物通


  2014年3月13日,著名医学杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)发表了目前最大的一项表观基因组范围关联研究(epigenome-wide association studies,EWAS),该研究发现了一种新的表观遗传机制,可能在介导一些超重不良影响(如糖尿病)的过程中,发挥重要的作用。


生物通报道:2014年3月13日,著名医学杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)发表了目前最大的一项表观基因组范围关联研究(epigenome-wide association studies,EWAS),该研究发现了一种新的表观遗传机制,可能在介导一些超重不良影响(如糖尿病)的过程中,发挥重要的作用。

本研究的负责人、莱斯特大学心脏病教授Nilesh Samani指出:“肥胖会增加心脏病、糖尿病、癌症和许多其它的问题,但是我们对于肥胖增加这种风险的机制还知之甚少。基因只能解释一部分。DNA变异或环境因素(如饮食、压力和接触化学物质)所引起的表观遗传变化,能够影响基因的作用方式(开启和关闭),也可能影响疾病的易感性。”表观遗传变化可引起一些疾病,如:表观遗传学变异或可解释慢性肾病

在这项研究中,Samani及其同事着眼于身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)有关的DNA表观遗传变化,BMI是一种被广泛使用的肥胖衡量尺度。研究人员还检测了DNA甲基化(DNA methylation)——一种特殊类型的表观遗传变化。DNA甲基化涉及到DNA上的特定位置(称为胞嘧啶碱基),由甲基化化学基团修饰。





Samani教授指出:“关于HIF3A甲基化和BMI之间关系的发现,让我们相当意外。HIF3A是缺氧诱导因子(hypoxia inducible factor,HIF)的一个组成部分,这个蛋白能够感知细胞中的氧含量,并试图通过影响许多基因的表达来弥补低水平。这很明显,当某人变得更加肥胖时,HIF3A甲基化也会日益发生改变,这带出了一种可能性——HIF可能也参与介导超重的一些不良影响。”


埃克塞特大学的Therese Murphy和Jonathan Mill在一篇评论中这样写道:“这项研究代表了肥胖相关研究和表观遗传流行病学的一个重要进展。BMI是人口表观遗传学研究的一个很好的表型:它是在大多数阵列研究中定期收集的一个精确测量值。表观遗传学分析新工具的广泛使用,意味着根据相似方法在遗传学中取得的成果,我们也能进行大型协作EWAS元分析。是否EWAS在其它临床表型——尤其是在更难接近的组织例如大脑中表型一样成功,还是更为直接地受混杂因素如细胞异质性、环境暴露和药物影响,还有待于研究。”(生物通:王英)

DNA methylation and body-mass index: a genome-wide analysis
Obesity is a major health problem that is determined by interactions between lifestyle and environmental and genetic factors. Although associations between several genetic variants and body-mass index (BMI) have been identified, little is known about epigenetic changes related to BMI. We undertook a genome-wide analysis of methylation at CpG sites in relation to BMI.
479 individuals of European origin recruited by the Cardiogenics Consortium formed our discovery cohort. We typed their whole-blood DNA with the Infinium HumanMethylation450 array. After quality control, methylation levels were tested for association with BMI. Methylation sites showing an association with BMI at a false discovery rate q value of 0•05 or less were taken forward for replication in a cohort of 339 unrelated white patients of northern European origin from the MARTHA cohort. Sites that remained significant in this primary replication cohort were tested in a second replication cohort of 1789 white patients of European origin from the KORA cohort. We examined whether methylation levels at identified sites also showed an association with BMI in DNA from adipose tissue (n=635) and skin (n=395) obtained from white female individuals participating in the MuTHER study. Finally, we examined the association of methylation at BMI-associated sites with genetic variants and with gene expression.
20 individuals from the discovery cohort were excluded from analyses after quality-control checks, leaving 459 participants. After adjustment for covariates, we identified an association (q value ≤0•05) between methylation at five probes across three different genes and BMI. The associations with three of these probes—cg22891070, cg27146050, and cg16672562, all of which are in intron 1 of HIF3A—were confirmed in both the primary and second replication cohorts. For every 0•1 increase in methylation β value at cg22891070, BMI was 3•6% (95% CI 2•4—4•9) higher in the discovery cohort, 2•7% (1•2—4•2) higher in the primary replication cohort, and 0•8% (0•2—1•4) higher in the second replication cohort. For the MuTHER cohort, methylation at cg22891070 was associated with BMI in adipose tissue (p=1•72 × 10−5) but not in skin (p=0•882). We observed a significant inverse correlation (p=0•005) between methylation at cg22891070 and expression of one HIF3A gene-expression probe in adipose tissue. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms—rs8102595 and rs3826795—had independent associations with methylation at cg22891070 in all cohorts. However, these single nucleotide polymorphisms were not significantly associated with BMI.
Increased BMI in adults of European origin is associated with increased methylation at the HIF3A locus in blood cells and in adipose tissue. Our findings suggest that perturbation of hypoxia inducible transcription factor pathways could have an important role in the response to increased weight in people.


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