
【字体: 时间:2013年06月03日 来源:哈尔滨医科大学


  近期,哈尔滨医科大学生物信息科学与技术学院张岩教授领导的计算表观遗传课题组的研究论文《CpG_MPs: identification of CpG methylation patterns of genomic regions from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data》被著名科学杂志《Nucleic Acids Research》发表。


近期,哈尔滨医科大学生物信息科学与技术学院张岩教授领导的计算表观遗传课题组的研究论文《CpG_MPs: identification of CpG  methylation patterns of genomic regions from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data》被著名科学杂志《Nucleic Acids Research》发表。

该研究主要关注于DNA甲基化研究的瓶颈之一——基于测序的重亚硫酸盐转换法BS-seq技术检测的数千万个单碱基通量的DNA甲基化位点数据的处理和分析。该研究开发了系统处理和分析BS-seq技术测定DNA甲基化数据的新方法CpG_MPs。它包括四个主要模块:I)BS-seq 数据标准化;II)单样本上基因组范围内甲基化和非甲基化区域的识别;III)成对样本或多样本间保守和差异甲基化区域识别和 V)序列特征挖据分析和可视化。 CpG_MPs克服传统算法依赖窗口大小和窗口滑动的大小等阈值的影响,且能识别出长度较短的甲基化和非甲基化区域。进一步基于识别出来的基因组上不同甲基化模式的基因组区域,采用组合算法和信息熵评估相结合的新算法来识别多样本间差异或特异的甲基化区域,它可以有效地避免传统的统计检验方法难以应用多于3个样本的高通量的DNA 甲基化数据中识别功能区域及依赖于预先定义的基因组区域等缺点。基于Java构架开发了界面友好的可视化软件便于生物学家和生物信息学家方便快捷的使用(http://bioinfo.hrbmu.edu.cn/CpG_MPs)。




CpG_MPs: identification of CpG methylation patterns of genomic regions from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data

High-throughput bisulfite sequencing is widely used to measure cytosine methylation at single-base resolution in eukaryotes. It permits systems-level analysis of genomic methylation patterns associated with gene expression and chromatin structure. However, methods for large-scale identification of methylation patterns from bisulfite sequencing are lacking. We developed a comprehensive tool, CpG_MPs, for identification and analysis of the methylation patterns of genomic regions from bisulfite sequencing data. CpG_MPs first normalizes bisulfite sequencing reads into methylation level of CpGs. Then it identifies unmethylated and methylated regions using the methylation status of neighboring CpGs by hotspot extension algorithm without knowledge of pre-defined regions. Furthermore, the conservatively and differentially methylated regions across paired or multiple samples (cells or tissues) are identified by combining a combinatorial algorithm with Shannon entropy. CpG_MPs identified large amounts of genomic regions with different methylation patterns across five human bisulfite sequencing data during cellular differentiation. Different sequence features and significantly cell-specific methylation patterns were observed. These potentially functional regions form candidate regions for functional analysis of DNA methylation during cellular differentiation. CpG_MPs is the first user-friendly tool for identifying methylation patterns of genomic regions from bisulfite sequencing data, permitting further investigation of the biological functions of genome-scale methylation patterns.

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