中国学者Nature Medicine解析DNA检测技术

【字体: 时间:2012年09月21日 来源:生物通


  卢教授以产前诊断方面的研究著称,曾发现过新型非侵入性检测技术,突破了传统的侵入性羊膜穿刺检测方式,大大降低了孕期诊断风险。近期其研究组又在Nature Medicine杂志上发文,点评了一项利用母体血液,检测判断胎儿是否患有唐氏综合征的研究进展。



卢教授以产前诊断方面的研究著称,曾发现过新型非侵入性检测技术,突破了传统的侵入性羊膜穿刺检测方式,大大降低了孕期诊断风险。近期其研究组又在Nature Medicine杂志上发文,点评了一项利用母体血液,检测判断胎儿是否患有唐氏综合征的研究进展。


这篇由几国研究人员完成的研究利用胎儿特殊的DNA甲基化比率,进行无创检测,筛查出14例唐氏综合征患儿和26例正常胎儿,是这一研究领域的一项进步。对此卢教授等人9月发出题为“Technical concerns about immunoprecipitation of methylated fetal DNA for noninvasive trisomy 21 diagnosis”的文章,提出了关于这篇文章中采用技术的一些疑问。

这项研究主要聚焦于一些差异甲基化区域,用以显示母体和胎盘血液DNA中不同的甲基化模式,研究人员采用了甲基化DNA免疫沉淀(methylated DNA immunoprecipitation,MeDIP)方法,通过实时定量PCR分析患有21-三体综合征缺陷的母体血液DNA提取物样品,从而指出胎儿特异性DNA甲基化比率能用于21-三体综合征,也就是唐氏综合症的无创检测。

研究中采用的甲基化DNA免疫沉淀MeDIP技术,是一种高效富集甲基化DNA的方法。在该方法中,可与5mC特异性结合的抗体加入到变性的基因组DNA片段中,从而使甲基化的基因组片断免疫沉淀,形成富集。通过与已有DNA微芯片技术相结合,从而进行大规模DNA甲基化分析。该方法简便,特异性高,适合DNA甲基化组学(DNA Methylome)的分析。


在无创诊断中采用这种技术,需要注意多个方面,由此卢教授提出了疑问,而前文作者Philippos C Patsalis也对此进行了解答,提出了理论上和实际上的解释,证明MeDIP在检测21-三体综合征中的应用。



Technical concerns about immunoprecipitation of methylated fetal DNA for noninvasive trisomy 21 diagnosis

We read with great interest the paper by Papageorgiou et al.1 on the use of fetal-specific DNA methylation ratio for the noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21. The authors focused on a number of differentially methylated regions that showed different methylation patterns between placental and maternal blood DNA2. They used methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) followed by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) on DNA extracted from maternal blood for the detection of fetal trisomy 21.

Fetal-specific DNA methylation ratio permits noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21
The trials performed worldwide toward noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) of Down's syndrome (or trisomy 21) have shown the commercial and medical potential of NIPD compared to the currently used invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures. Extensive investigation of methylation differences between the mother and the fetus has led to the identification of differentially methylated regions (DMRs). In this study, we present a strategy using the methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDiP) methodology in combination with real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to achieve fetal chromosome dosage assessment, which can be performed noninvasively through the analysis of fetal-specific DMRs. We achieved noninvasive prenatal detection of trisomy 21 by determining the methylation ratio of normal and trisomy 21 cases for each tested fetal-specific DMR present in maternal peripheral blood, followed by further statistical analysis. The application of this fetal-specific methylation ratio approach provided correct diagnosis of 14 trisomy 21 and 26 normal cases.


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