PLoS ONE:加速帕金森病进程的基因变异

【字体: 时间:2012年05月17日 来源:生物通




生物通报道  加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员发现了一个决定哪些帕金森氏症患者会经历更快速的运动功能衰退的关键因素,这一研究发现为开发出新的治疗带来了希望,并将帮助鉴别哪些患者有可能最大程度地从早期干预中受益。

在5月15日发表于《PLoS ONE》杂志的一篇论文中,研究人员发现拥有两个特异的帕金森氏症风险因子基因变异的帕金森氏症患者相比于没有这些变异的患者运动衰退的进程要明显快得多。

“这是一个比较小型的研究,只有233名患者,然而我们看到的影响实际上却是相当大的,”主要研究人员、加州大学洛杉矶分校守备公共卫生学院流行病学系副主任Beate Ritz博士说。

SNCA基因是一个众所周知的帕金森氏症风险因子,这一基因生成的α-突触核蛋白(α-synuclein)水平越高,家族性帕金森氏症病例中的疾病就越严重。研究人员检测了两个风险变异,REP1 263bp启动子和rs356165。他们招募了来自三个加利福尼亚中部县确诊不久的帕金森氏症患者,并对其中的233名患者进行了平均为期5.1年的追踪。

他们发现Rep1 263bp变异的携带者运动衰退加快的风险高4倍。当患者体内同时存在Rep1 263bp和 rs356165变异时,向运动衰退进展的趋势更强。

加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫格芬医学院的神经病学教授Jeff Bronstein博士说目前当医生看到帕金森氏症患者时,他们并不能预测这些患者运动功能退化会有多么迅速——例如多快他们就将到达需要轮椅或其他其他辅助的程度。Bronstein说:“但是如果我们的结果得到证实,这些基因变异现在就可用于鉴别哪些患者有可能进展更快。”

共同作者、加州大学洛杉矶分校守备公共卫生学院流行病学研究人员Shannon Rhodes说因为在疾病进展速率中的这些差异,研究人员可以测试携带这些遗传变异的个体的潜在治疗,更快获得对于这些药物有效性的结果。“并且,你正在帮助那些受累最严重的人,”Rhodes说。





α-Synuclein Genetic Variants Predict Faster Motor Symptom Progression in Idiopathic Parkinson Disease

Currently, there are no reported genetic predictors of motor symptom progression in Parkinson’s disease (PD). In familial PD, disease severity is associated with higher α-synuclein (SNCA) expression levels, and in postmortem studies expression varies with SNCA genetic variants. Furthermore, SNCA is a well-known risk factor for PD occurrence. We recruited Parkinson’s patients from the communities of three central California counties to investigate the influence of SNCA genetic variants on motor symptom progression in idiopathic PD. We repeatedly assessed this cohort of patients over an average of 5.1 years for motor symptom changes employing the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Of 363 population-based incident PD cases diagnosed less than 3 years from baseline assessment, 242 cases were successfully re-contacted and 233 were re-examined at least once. Of subjects lost to follow-up, 69% were due to death. Adjusting for covariates, risk of faster decline of motor function as measured by annual increase in motor UPDRS exam score was increased 4-fold in carriers of the REP1 263bp promoter variant (OR 4.03, 95%CI:1.57–10.4). Our data also suggest a contribution to increased risk by the G-allele for rs356165 (OR 1.66; 95%CI:0.96–2.88), and we observed a strong trend across categories when both genetic variants were considered (p for trend = 0.002). Our population-based study has demonstrated that SNCA variants are strong predictors of faster motor decline in idiopathic PD. SNCA may be a promising target for therapies and may help identify patients who will benefit most from early interventions. This is the first study to link SNCA to motor symptom decline in a longitudinal progression study.


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