
【字体: 时间:2012年01月06日 来源:生物通


  近期来自韩国关东大学医学院(KwanDong University School of Medicine)的研究人员在新研究中发现检测孕妇血浆中的两种酶DYS14与GAPDH的比值可实现早期有效预测胎儿的性别,该研究发现将有可能促使开发出一种新的非侵入式检测方法,使准妈妈们能够在孕期头三个月即可知晓胎儿的性别。


生物通报道  近期来自韩国关东大学医学院(KwanDong University School of Medicine)的研究人员在新研究中发现检测孕妇血浆中的两种酶DYS14与GAPDH的比值可实现早期有效预测胎儿的性别,该研究发现将有可能促使开发出一种新的非侵入式检测方法,使准妈妈们能够在孕期头三个月即可知晓胎儿的性别。这种测试技术将开启无创产前检测胎儿性别检测的先河。相关研究成果发表在2012年1月版的《FASEB》杂志上。


“目前临床上通常采用的是侵入性的检测技术例如绒毛膜绒毛取样或羊膜穿刺术来进行早期胎儿性别检测。然而这些侵入性的检测方法仍然可导致1-2%的流产风险,且需要到妊娠第11周时才能开展。利用超声则无法在孕期头三个月进行可靠的胎儿性别鉴定,这是由于此时胎儿的外生殖器发育尚不完全,”韩国关东大学医学院女性健康照护医院(Cheil General Hospital and Women's Healthcare Center)妇产科研究人员Hyun Mee Ryu博士说。


“尽管在该测试获得广泛临床应用前,还有大量的工作需要开展。新研究表明有可能实现在受孕后的前几周即预测出孩子的性别,”FASEB杂志首席主编Gerald Weissmann说:“当前的技术有时会使得准父母获得未出生孩子的错误信息,这一检测将有助于解决当前超声检测的不确定性。”




Effective detection of fetal sex using circulating fetal DNA in first-trimester maternal plasma

The aim of this study was to develop a simple and effective method for noninvasively detecting fetal sex using circulating fetal DNA from first-trimester maternal plasma. A study was conducted with maternal plasma collected from 203 women between 5 and 12 wk of gestation. The presence of circulating fetal DNA was confirmed by a quantitative methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction of the unmethylated-PDE9A gene (U-PDE9A). Multiplex real-time PCR was used to simultaneously quantify the amount of DYS14 and GAPDH in maternal plasma. The results were confirmed by phenotype at birth. Pregnancy outcomes and U-PDE9A concentrations were obtained in all cases, including 99 male-bearing and 104 female-bearing participants. At equivalent specificity (100%), the false-negative rate was 9.1% for DYS14 quantification cycle, 7.1% for DYS14 concentration, and 0.0% for the concentration ratio of DYS14/GAPDH, respectively. In male-bearing participants, DYS14, U-PDE9A, and GAPDH concentrations were significantly lower in the false-negative case than in correct case (P<0.001 in all). Moreover, DYS14, U-PDE9A, and GAPDH concentrations showed significantly positive associations with each other (P≤0.001 in all). The ratio of DYS14/GAPDH in maternal plasma was an effective biomarker for noninvasive fetal sex detection during the first trimester, indicating that it could be useful for clinical application.—Lim, J. H., Park, S. Y., Kim, S. Y., Kim, D. J., Choi, J. E., Kim, M. H., Choi, J. S., Kim, M. Y., Yang, J. H., Ryu, H. M. Effective detection of fetal sex using circulating fetal DNA in first-trimester maternal plasma.

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