清华2研究生发表突破性进展文章 受特别关注

【字体: 时间:2009年09月21日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,清华大学生命科学院谢道昕教授的研究生阎健斌和张弛在Plant Cell上发表植物激素研究领域突破性进展文章The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 protein is a jasmonate receptor。


生物通报道,清华大学生命科学院谢道昕教授的研究生阎健斌和张弛在Plant Cell上发表植物激素研究领域突破性进展文章The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 protein is a jasmonate receptor


Plant Cell》杂志为该重要研究成果撰写了专评,并刊发了阎健斌和张弛同学的照片和简历;该工作是在谢道昕教授与王钊教授及中国新药研发中心的南发俊教授合作指导下完成的。




谢道昕教授2006年加入生命科学学院(原清华大学生物科学与技术系),在实验室的筹建过程中得到了许多同事和校内外专家的大力支持,三年来与相关领域的专家教授开展了密切的合作研究,研究结果分别发表在Nature Genetics, PLoS Genetics, Plant Cell, Plant PhysiologyJournal of Experimental BotanyPlantaJ Intergrative Plant BiologyPLoS One等杂志上 http://life.tsinghua.edu.cn/yingwenban/Faculty/CAS/2009-08-26/664.html ).



The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 protein is a jasmonate receptor

 Jianbin Yan, Chi Zhang, Min Gu, Zhiyan Bai, Weiguo Zhang, Tiancong Qi, Zhiwei Cheng, Wen Peng, Haibin Luo, Fajun Nan, Zhao Wang, Daoxin Xie








1994-1999:英国EastAnglia大学(Senior Research Associate

1990-1994:英国John Innes研究中心和英国Leicester大学(Research Associate


1983-1984:  湖南棉花科学研究所(Research Assistant




  生物体蛋白质的 转录 / 翻译 降解 是同样重要的命题。人们在 转录和翻译 的研究中取得了众所周知的突破。可以预见, 对蛋白质是如何被特一性降解的研究, 必将对生命科学的发展产生重要影响。

该实验室主要采用植物分子遗传、生物化学、功能基因组和蛋白组学等方法 , 研究蛋白降解途径和植物激素调控植物生长发育及抗性的机理。


Selected Publications

Xie D, Feys B, James S, Nieto-Rostro M, Turner J. (1998) COI1: an Arabidopsis gene required for jasmonate-regulated defense and fertility. Science 280:1091-1094.


Xu L, Liu F, Lechner E, Genschik P, Crosby W, Ma H, Peng W, Huang D, Xie D. (2002) The SCF(COI1) ubiquitin-ligase complexes are required for jasmonate response in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 14:1919-1935.


Liu F, Ni W, Griffith M, Huang Z, Chang C, Peng W, Ma H, Xie,D. (2004) The ASK1 and ASK2 Genes Are Essential for Arabidopsis Early Development. Plant Cell 16:5-20.


Xiao S, Dai L, Liu L, Wang Z, Peng W, D Xie. (2004) COS1: an Arabidopsis coi1 suppressor essential for regulation of jasmonate-mediated plant defense and senescence. Plant Cell 16: 1132-42.


Ren C, J Pan, W Peng, P Genschik, L Hobbie, H Hellmann, M Estelle, B Gao, J Peng, C Sun, Xie D (2005) Point mutations in Arabidopsis Cullin1 reveal its essential role in jasmonate response. Plant J 42, 514524.


Wang Z, Dai L, Jiang Z, Peng W, Zhang L, Wang G, Xie D. (2005) GmCOI1, a soybean F-box protein gene, shows ability to mediate jasmonate-regulated plant defense and fertility in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 18:1285-1295


Lin Z, Griffith M, Li X, Zh Z, Tan L, Fu Y, Zhang W, Wang X, Xie D*, Sun C*.  (2007) Origin of seed shattering in rice(O.sativa L). Planta 22611-20 (*co-correspondence).


Tan L, Li X, Liu F, Sun X, Li C, Zhu Z, Fu Y, Cai H, Wang X, Xie D*, Sun C*. (2008) Control of a key transition from prostrate to erect growth in rice domestication. Nature Genetics. 40(11):1360-4. (*co-correspondence)


Cheng H, Song S, Xiao LT, Soo HM, Cheng ZW, Xie DX* and Peng JR*. (2009). Gibberellin Acts Through Jasmonate to Control the Expression of MYB21, MYB24 and MYB57 to Promote Stamen Filament Growth in Arabidopsis. PLoS GENETICS . 5(3):e1000440.  (*co-correspondence)


Xiaoyi Shan, Yongsheng Zhang, Wen Peng, Zhilong Wang, Daoxin Xie. Molecular mechanism for jasmonate-induction of anthocyanin accumulation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany (in press)


Jianbin Yan, Chi Zhang, Min Gu, Zhiyan Bai, Weiguo Zhang, Tiancong Qi, Zhiwei Cheng, Wen Peng, Haibin Luo, Fajun Nan, Zhao Wang, and Daoxin Xie. The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 protein is a jasmonate receptor. Plant Cell (in press)

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