
【字体: 时间:2009年09月14日 来源:生物通









过去,研究人员假设,要从利己主义的个人中获得关于供应和分配公家货物的真实及自愿的信息是不可能的;但是现在通过一系列的应用fMRI的社会实验,Ian Krajbich及其同僚证明,小小一点的脑成像会大有帮助。 研究人员用fMRI 来监控一组志愿者并以此开展有关的社会学试验。在这些试验中,志愿者在限制每个人的花费的同时,试图将该组的福利进行最大化。 这要求这些志愿者陈述他们如何估价某些公共的货物以及他们愿意承受什么类型的代价。 研究人员发现,由志愿者所直接报告的价值以及由fMRI 所评估的价值的组合确实可以使人们获取为该组创制最佳的公共货物供应所需要的诚实的资讯。 他们说,fMRI 可以用55%的精确度来破解个人的偏好,这一数字仅比或然率稍好一点,但却仍然足以使人们获取必要的价值。



Changes of mind in decision-making

a decision is a commitment to a proposition or plan of action based on evidence and the expected costs and benefits associated with the outcome. Progress in a variety of fields has led to a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms that evaluate evidence and reach a decision1, 2, 3. Several formalisms propose that a representation of noisy evidence is evaluated against a criterion to produce a decision4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Without additional evidence, however, these formalisms fail to explain why a decision-maker would change their mind. Here we extend a model, developed to account for both the timing and the accuracy of the initial decision9, to explain subsequent changes of mind. Subjects made decisions about a noisy visual stimulus, which they indicated by moving a handle. Although they received no additional information after initiating their movement, their hand trajectories betrayed a change of mind in some trials. We propose that noisy evidence is accumulated over time until it reaches a criterion level, or bound, which determines the initial decision, and that the brain exploits information that is in the processing pipeline when the initial decision is made to subsequently either reverse or reaffirm the initial decision. The model explains both the frequency of changes of mind as well as their dependence on both task difficulty and whether the initial decision was accurate or erroneous. The theoretical and experimental findings advance the understanding of decision-making to the highly flexible and cognitive acts of vacillation and self-correction.

Using Neural Measures of Economic Value to Solve the Public Goods Free-Rider Problem

Every social group needs to decide when to provide public goods and how to allocate the costs among its members. Ideally, this decision would maximize the group’s net benefits while also ensuring that every individual’s benefit is greater than the cost he has to pay. Unfortunately, the economic theory of mechanism design has shown that this ideal solution is not feasible when the group leadership does not know the values of the individual group members for the public good. We show that this impossibility result can be overcome in laboratory settings by combining technologies for obtaining neural measures of value (functional magnetic resonance imaging–based pattern classification) with carefully designed institutions that allocate costs based on both reported and neurally measured values.

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