
【字体: 时间:2009年04月16日 来源:生物通


  地理科学与资源研究所地表环境化学与健康研究室的研究人员公布了关于锑在蕨类植物体内的富集特征的研究成果,这一发表在《Plant and Soil》杂志上的文章发现锑可在植物体内诱导产生氧化胁迫,而砷超富集植物白玉凤尾蕨则未出现明显的中毒症状,表现出更强的耐锑毒和富集锑的能力。


生物通报道:来自中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所的消息,地理科学与资源研究所地表环境化学与健康研究室的研究人员公布了关于锑在蕨类植物体内的富集特征的研究成果,这一发表在《Plant and Soil》杂志上的文章发现锑可在植物体内诱导产生氧化胁迫,而砷超富集植物白玉凤尾蕨则未出现明显的中毒症状,表现出更强的耐锑毒和富集锑的能力。





率先在国内开展砷污染土壤的植物修复工作,与陈同斌研究员合作首次在国际上发现砷的超富集植物蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)和大叶井口边草(Pteris cretica),开辟了国内植物修复技术的新领域。目前侧重重金属的区域环境健康效应研究,采用GIS和形态分析技术深入研究矿冶周边土壤、食物中重金属的环境行为及生态与健康风险。指导硕士研究生5名,已毕业1名。

Wei C.Y., Sun X., Wang C., Wang W.Y. 2006. Factors influencing arsenic accumulation by Pteris vittata: a comparative field study at two sites. Environmental Pollution, 141: 488-493.

Wei C.Y., Chen T.B. 2006. Arsenic accumulation by two brake ferns growing on an arsenic mine and their potential in phytoremediation. Chemosphere, 63:1048-1053.

Wei C.Y., Wang C., Sun X., Wang W.Y. 2006. Arsenic accumulation by ferns: a field survey in southern China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (accept).

Wei C.Y., Zhang Z.Y. 2006. Multivariate analysis of elements in Chinese brake fern as determined using neutron activation analysis. Biological Trace Element Research (accept).

孙歆,韦朝阳,王五一。土壤中的砷及其生物有效性。地球科学进展, 2006, 21(6)625-632

韦朝阳,陈同斌。重金属超富集植物与植物修复技术研究进展。生态学报,2001, 21(7)1196−203

陈同斌,韦朝阳,黄泽春等,砷超富集植物蜈蚣草及其对砷的富集特征。科学通报,2002, 47(3)207-210

韦朝阳,陈同斌。高砷区植物的生态与化学特征。植物生态学报, 2002, 26(5)695−700

韦朝阳,陈同斌,黄泽春,张学青。大叶井口边草-新发现的一种砷的富集植物。生态学报,2002, 22(5)776−778

韦朝阳,陈同斌。重金属污染植物修复技术的研究与应用现状。地球科学进展, 2002, 17(6)833−839


Antimony accumulation and antioxidative responses in four fern plants

Abstract Antimony (Sb) toxicity and contamination has become a growing concern in recent years. Remediation of Sb contamination using plants may be an effective approach. This study aimed to investigate the potential of antimony (Sb) tolerance and accumulation by plants, as well as to understand the antioxidative responses to Sb. One set of hydroponic trials was set up using four species of fern plants, including Pteris cretica
(PCA), Microlepia hancei (MH), Cyrtomium fortunei (CYF) and Cyclosorus dentatus (CYD). Ferns were grown for 2 weeks in nutrient solution containing a medium (5 mg L−1) and a high (20 mg L−1) rate of Sb, with no Sb added as the control. The biomass of fern PCA remained constant with Sb addition, whereas the biomass of ferns CYF, MH and CYD at the high Sb rate exposure decreased by 12.5%, 35.0% and 38.3%, respectively as compared with their controls. This suggests a high to low Sb tolerance order for these four fern plants. For all of these fern plants, more Sb was accumulated in the roots than in the fronds. Antimony concentration in the roots at the high rate of Sb addition was recorded, on average, as 358 mg kg−1 for fern PCA, 224 mg kg−1 for fern CYF, 124 mg kg−1 for fern CYD and 123 mg kg−1 for fern MH. A high rate of addition of Sb increased the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) by 41.3% and 171.6% for ferns MH and CYD, respectively, as compared with their controls. No changes for MDA contents were observed in ferns PCA and CYF with Sb addition, indicating no lipid peroxidation reaction in these two plants. At a medium rate of Sb addition, the activities of peroxidase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase in fern PCA were much higher than those in ferns CYF, CYD and
MH, demonstrating the important role of these three enzymes in resisting Sb toxicity. The consistency in
unchanged biomass, high accumulation of Sb in roots, lower MDA contents, as well as high enzyme production in fronds, indicated that fern PCA was more tolerant to Sb than the other three fern plants. Antioxidative enzymes (peroxidase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase) might be involved in Sb toxicity resistance of fern PCA.


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