【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2008年12月02日 来源:生物通
图1 The extra coordination site (arrowed) in NTA binds nickel ion more tightly than IDA (the ligand used in many competitor resins).The tighter binding means less nickel leaching and provides purer proteins.
图2. An independent study shows that Ni-NTA loses less nickel than any other tested resin. Fifty column volumes of buffer containing various additives was passed through a small column containing 100 μl resin from QIAGEN, Supplier G, S, or I. The flowthrough was pooled and a sample sent for analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) at Dr.Weßling Laboratories, Bochum, Germany according to DIN EN ISO 17025.Native buffer: 50 mM Na phosphate; 300 mM NaCl; 10 mM imidazole, pH 8.0. Denaturing buffer: 100 mM Na phosphate; 10 mM Tris•Cl; 8 M urea.
表1 Proteins expressed and purified in the comparison experiments
GenBank accession number |
Gene* |
Class† |
MW (kDa) |
Official full name |
NM_002648 |
PK |
37.2 |
pim-1 oncogene | |
NM_006875 |
PK |
35.7 |
pim-2 oncogene | |
NM_001001852 |
PK |
37.4 |
pim-3 oncogene | |
NM_003668 |
PK |
55.5 |
mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 5 | |
NM_002037 |
PK |
62.3 |
| |
NM_001315 |
PK |
43.0 |
mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 | |
NM_002750 |
PK |
45.7 |
mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 | |
NM_003403 |
TF |
46.3 |
YY1 transcription factor | |
NM_020529 |
TF |
37.1 |
nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha | |
NM_005901 |
TF |
53.8 |
SMAD family member 2 | |
NM_005238 |
TF |
51.9 |
v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 (avian) | |
NM_006331 |
RB |
28.2 |
EMG1 nucleolar protein homolog (S. cerevisiae) | |
NM_139071 |
RB |
51.5 |
SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 1 |
* Click on the gene name to see the purification comparison gel. CL: Cleared lysate. Each set of three lanes shows from left to right: flow-through, wash, and elution fractions. † PK protein kinase; TF: transcription factor; RB: ribosome binding protein
受关注的另一个主要因素就是纯化试剂的结合量,说到这里,就有一个好消息要和大家一起分享啦:QIAGEN公司近年来通过对Ni-NTA生产流程的优化,使得Ni-NTA对His标签蛋白的结合量可高达50mg/ml树脂。最近QIAGEN在研发QIAgene预制蛋白表达载体的过程中(该产品信息请参考生物通的新品推荐http://www.ebiotrade.com/newsf/2008-5/2008513161005.htm 或点击http://www1.qiagen.com/Products/QIAgenesExpressionKits-Ecoli.aspx),对Ni-NTA 的结合量也进行了一次大规模的实验研究。实验考察了Ni-NTA对来自不同蛋白家族的24种人类蛋白的结合能力。部分数据如图3所示。从实验结果来看,Ni-NTA对His标签蛋白的结合量可高达50-60mg/ml。因此,对于Ni-NTA Superflow或Ni-NTA Agarose来说,它们的结合量均高达50mg/ml (见表2).
图3 Binding of various His-tagged proteins to Ni-NTA. Binding was performed in batch procedures and proteins quantified using the Bradford method.
表2 New protein binding capacity of QIAGEN Ni-NTA matrices
产品名称 |
结合量 |
Up to 50 mg His-tagged protein/ml resin | |
Up to 50 mg His-tagged protein/ml resin | |
up to 2 µg His-tagged protein/µl bead suspension |
说到这里,不能不提Ni-NTA对各种化学试剂的兼容性。实际上,我们需要利用各种化学试剂对纯化的流程进行优化(如NaCl, DTT等)。Ni-NTA能在多种化学试剂的存在下进行标签蛋白的纯化。 这一特点使得我们可以放心的使用各种化学试剂对纯化过程进行优化。举个例子来说在市场上所有的6×His标签蛋白纯化试剂中,只有Ni-NTA可以兼容10 mM DTT. 点击以下链接,浏览Ni-NTA在化学试剂兼容性方面的最新数据full list of reagents compatible with Ni-NTA.
图4 First and second elution fractions of 6xHis-tagged HIV r everse transcriptase purified using Ni-NTA Superflow under native conditions in buffers containing the indicated concentration of DTT. Results from RT-PCR experiments performed with 6xHis-HIV-RT purified using the indicated concentration of DTT. A 1.7 kb fragment from the human -actin gene was reverse transcribed using 50 ng total RNA, a dT15 primer, and 100 ng of 6xHis-HIV-RT for 1 h at 37°C. 1/20 of the RT reaction was transferred to a PCR reaction using QIAGEN® Taq DNA Polymerase. C: control, 4 units Omniscript® Reverse Transcriptase. NTC: no template control. M: markers.