
【字体: 时间:2007年07月27日 来源:生物通


  研究人员发现了不同于CD4+辅助T细胞TH1和TH2亚组的一种截然不同的亚组:THIL-17,并且进一步研究发现在小鼠TH17细胞中能高度表达IL-21,从而认为IL-21是一种在TH17分化过程中必需和必要的自分泌细胞因子(autocrine cytokine),可以作为治疗炎症疾病的一种潜在靶标。这一研究成果公布在《Nature》杂志上

  生物通报道:来自美国MD安德森癌症研究中心免疫学系,美国国立健康研究院NIH系统生物学研究院等处的研究人员发现了不同于CD4+辅助T细胞TH1和TH2亚组的一种截然不同的亚组:THIL-17,并且进一步研究发现在小鼠TH17细胞中能高度表达IL-21,从而认为IL-21是一种在TH17分化过程中必需和必要的自分泌细胞因子(autocrine cytokine),可以作为治疗炎症疾病的一种潜在靶标。这一研究成果公布在《Nature》杂志上


Nature 448, 480-483 (26 July 2007) | 
doi:10.1038/nature05969; Received 7 March 2007; Accepted 4 June 2007; Published online 20 June 2007
Essential autocrine regulation by IL-21 in the generation of inflammatory T cells



通常将表达CD4的T细胞归属于辅助T细胞(helper T cell,TH)。辅助T细胞在免疫反应中扮演中间过程的角色:它可以增生扩散来激活其它类型的产生直接免疫反应的免疫细胞,主要表面标志是CD4。 T细胞调控或“辅助”其它淋巴细胞发挥功能。



总而言之,CD4+辅助T细胞经过激活可以分化成不同的亚群效应因子,有各自不同的细胞因子表达和免疫调控功能。在这个分化过程中,TH1和TH2细胞分别会产生gamma干扰素,以及白介素4(interleukin (IL)-4)。

董晨研究小组发现了一个截然不同的TH亚组:THIL-17, TH17 或inflammatory TH (THi)在介导组织炎症方面是一个不同的TH群。TH的分离最初是由β转移生长因子(transforming growth factor—β),IL-6启动的,并得到IL-23的正调控。在这个过程中,转录信号转导子与激活子(Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription,STATs)和视黄醇类核内受体(retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor-γ,Ror-γ)介导了分化。TH17这种特殊的辅助T细胞会分泌IL-17, IL-17F和IL-22,这些都调控了组织细胞炎症反应,但是对于TH17分化并不起重要作用。

在这篇文章中,研究人员发现在小鼠TH17细胞中IL-21能高度表达,这是由活化的T细胞IL-6诱导产生的,这个过程依赖于STAT3,但不依赖于Ror-γ。研究人员也发现IL-21潜在引起TH17分化,抑制Foxp3的表达,而这需要STAT3和Ror-γ。同时IL-21缺陷型则会影响TH17细胞传代,导致针对实验性自体免疫脑脊髓炎(autoimmune encephalomyelitis)的保护。因此研究人员认为IL-21是一种在TH17分化过程中必需和必要的自分泌细胞因子(autocrine cytokine),可以作为治疗炎症疾病的一种潜在靶标。

Chen Dong , Ph.D.

1989年 武汉大学 细胞生物学
1996年 阿拉巴马州大学细胞与分子生物学
1997年-2000年 耶鲁大学免疫学
2000-至今 M. D.安德鲁癌症中心免疫学系

The immune system, consisting of innate and adaptive components, functions to identify invading foreign organisms and efficiently eliminate them. T lymphocytes are essential regulators and effectors in immune and autoimmune responses. They are activated by antigen-presenting cells (APC), dendritic cells (DC) in particular, in secondary lymphoid organs. After activation, CD4+ helper T (Th) cells differentiate into effector subsets that secrete cytokines to regulate different types of immune responses. CD8+ T cells, after activation, differentiate into cytotoxic cells. In addition to their effector function, activated T cells also gain the ability to migrate into non-lymphoid tissues. T cells are normally tolerant to self tissues; however, this self tolerance is lost in autoimmune diseases.

Our research is to understand the molecular mechanisms whereby immune responses are normally regulated, and how abnormal immune regulation leads to immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and allergy disorders. These studies will help us to understand and manipulate the immune system, and to ultimately develop immune therapies for treating autoimmune and allergic diseases, and for eliminating infectious diseases and cancer. 

First, our group is studying the costimulatory factors through which the innate immune system regulates the activation, tolerance and function of T cells. We have discovered and characterized several novel B7/butyrophilin superfamily members that regulate T cell activation and function. In the near future, we will analyze the functional specificity and synergy of these positive and negative costimulators in the context of infection, autoimmune and allergy responses. 

Secondly, we are working to understand the molecular regulation of inflammatory responses. We are studying the function of novel cytokines in the IL-17 family in autoimmunity and allergy. We have identified IL-17-expressing CD4+ T cells as a novel lineage of helper T (TH) cells that regulate tissue inflammation. We are investigating the regulation and function of these cells extensively. 

Thirdly, our group is interested in the signal transduction mechanisms during innate immune responses, with particular interests in dissecting MAP kinase regulation. We are also studying the signaling and transcriptional mechanisms regulating T cell tolerance and effector function. 


Dong, C., Davis, R. J. and Flavell, R. A. MAP kinases and the immune response. (2002) Annual Review of Immunology. 20:80-82.

Nurieva, R., Duong, J., Kishikawa, H., Dianzani, U., Rojo, J. M., Ho, I.-C., Flavell, R. A. and Dong, C. Transcriptional regulation of Th2 differentiation by ICOS. (2003) Immunity. 18:801-811.

Prasad, D. V. R., Richards, S., Mai, X. M., and Dong, C. B7S1, a novel B7 family member that inhibits T cell activation. (2003) Immunity.18:863-873.

Nurieva, R., Mai, X. M., Forbush, K., Bevan, M. J. and Dong, C. B7h is required for T cell activation, differentiation and effector function. (2003) Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 100: 14163-14168.

Zhang, Y., Blattman, J., Kennedy, N., Duong, J., Nguyen, T., Wang, Y., Davis, R. J., Greenberg, P., Flavell, R. A. and Dong, C. Regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses by MKP5. (2004) Nature. 430:793-797.

Park, H., Li, Z., Yang, X. O., Chang, S. H., Nurieva, R. I., Wang, Y.-H., Wang, Y., Hood, L., Zhu, Z., Tian, Q., Dong, C. A distinct lineage of TH cells regulates tissue inflammation by producing IL-17. (2005) Nature Immunology. 10: 1133-1142.

Dong, C., Sanjabi, S., and Eynon, E. Gene regulation and function: it’s rocking science. (Meeting Report). (2005) Immunity. 23: 557-560.

Dong, C. Diversification of TH lineages- finding family roots for IL-17. (Perspectives). (2006) Nature Review Immunology. 6:329-333.

Martin-Orozco, N. and Dong, C. New battlefields for costimulation. (Commentaries). (2006) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 203: 817-820.

Nurieva, R.I. Thomas, S., Nguyen, T., Martin-Orozco, N., Wang, Y., Kaja, M.-K., Yu, X.-Z.,and Dong, C. T-cell immunity or tolerance is regulated by a combinatorial costimulation signal. (2006) EMBO Journal. 25: 2623–2633.

Zhang, Y., Chung, Y. S., Bishop, C., Daugherty, B., Chute, H., Holst, P., Kurahara, C., Lott, F., Sun, N., Welcher, A., and Dong, C. Regulation of T cell activation and tolerance by PDL2. (2006) Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 103: 11695–11700.

Angkasekwinai, P., Park, H., Wang, Y.-H., Wang, Y.-H., Chang, S. H., Corry, D. B., Liu, Y.-J., Zhu, Z. and Dong, C. IL-25 regulates the initiation of TH2 responses. Journal of Experimental Medicine. In press.

Nurieva, R., Yang, X. O., Martinez, G., Zhang, Y., Panopoulos, A. D., Ma, L., Schluns, K., Tian, Q., Watowich, S. S., Jetten, A. M. and Dong, C. Essential autocrine regulation by IL-21 in the generation of inflammatory T cells. Nature. In press.

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