
【字体: 时间:2006年06月09日 来源:生物通





Ravi Allada领导的研究组证明所谓的蘑菇体(mushroom bodies)对果蝇的睡眠调节至关重要。在同期的Nature杂志上,还有一篇由霍华德休斯医学院的Amita Sehgal进行的一项研究利用了与该研究组不同的方法,也获得了相同的结果。





A dynamic role for the mushroom bodies in promoting sleep in Drosophila

Jena L. Pitman1, Jermaine J. McGill1, Kevin P. Keegan1 and Ravi Allada1


The fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, exhibits many of the cardinal features of sleep, yet little is known about the neural circuits governing its sleep1. Here we have performed a screen of GAL4 lines expressing a temperature-sensitive synaptic blocker shibirets1 (ref. 2) in a range of discrete neural circuits, and assayed the amount of sleep at different temperatures. We identified three short-sleep lines at the restrictive temperature with shared expression in the mushroom bodies, a neural locus central to learning and memory3. Chemical ablation of the mushroom bodies also resulted in reduced sleep. These studies highlight a central role for the mushroom bodies in sleep regulation.

Modulation of intracortical synaptic potentials by presynaptic somatic membrane potential

Yousheng Shu1, Andrea Hasenstaub1, Alvaro Duque1, Yuguo Yu1 and David A. McCormick1

Traditionally, neuronal operations in the cerebral cortex have been viewed as occurring through the interaction of synaptic potentials in the dendrite and soma, followed by the initiation of an action potential, typically in the axon1, 2. Propagation of this action potential to the synaptic terminals is widely believed to be the only form of rapid communication of information between the soma and axonal synapses, and hence to postsynaptic neurons. Here we show that the voltage fluctuations associated with dendrosomatic synaptic activity propagate significant distances along the axon, and that modest changes in the somatic membrane potential of the presynaptic neuron modulate the amplitude and duration of axonal action potentials and, through a Ca2+-dependent mechanism, the average amplitude of the postsynaptic potential evoked by these spikes. These results indicate that synaptic activity in the dendrite and soma controls not only the pattern of action potentials generated, but also the amplitude of the synaptic potentials that these action potentials initiate in local cortical circuits, resulting in synaptic transmission that is a mixture of triggered and graded (analogue) signals.

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