
【字体: 时间:2006年06月16日 来源:生物通




在选择博士后工作地点的时候,资深教员(senior faculty)并不总是最好的导师。


在之前的新闻:2006年博士后最佳工作场所调查之排名(国外)和国内博士后最佳工作场所网调结果公布(国内)曾经提到了由The Scientists杂志以及生物通网站进行的有关最佳工作地点的选择调查。

但是来自Albany Medical College的Alden March Bioethics学院主任Glenn McGee却提出一个问题:为什么有些声望颇高的学校里的博士后生活的并不开心呢?这要关系到另外一个问题——the failure to mentor,更多的关注投注到了研究生课程选择上而不是他们在想什么。在这个基础McGee列出了“Worst Places to Be a Postdoc”(The Scientists)。

1.Acknowledgement University——In some of this school's labs, you will find a large number of unpoliced junior faculty who believe that they need publications more than you. In others, senior faculty - who judge the productivity of those junior faculty, and whose huge grants brought prestige to the lab - are eager to disabuse you of the silly notion that their own authorship has anything whatever to do with writing. You will begin to wonder whether you should find a place on your CV for the thank-yous for all the articles on which you weren't identified.

2.The Allalone Institute——Here, the cubes are big, the hoods vent properly, the equipment is state of the art, and the lunchroom is spacious. Computers access all the resources you need, and if you break your arm there is insurance. Your principal investigator is around every couple of days, and if you ask she will answer anything you want to know about science, your career, or what and where to publish. The rest of the time, you are a monk. There is no one to talk with, nothing to do, and you find yourself curiously drawn to cupid.com during working hours. You wonder whether after you finish you will be able to explain your invisible friends to prospective employers.

3. Printnot University——Your dissertation was brilliant, so you have been welcomed into one of the most prolific labs in the world, where a dozen equally thoughtful and productive fellows all work alongside you in a cross between a think tank, a lab, and a bank. A bank? Yes, because virtually nothing you write in this lab can be published without the permission of the sponsors, who make a part of virtually everything you do possible with their intensely financed and highly protected intellectual property. You prepare yourself for a great career, just as long as it is spent working alongside the people who guided and funded your postdoctoral work.

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