NHGRI 5千万投到小鼠基因敲除计划(原文)

【字体: 时间:2006年06月14日 来源:NHGRI




NHGRI 5千万投到小鼠基因敲除计划

NHGRI 5千万投到小鼠基因敲除计划 Later this summer, the National Human Genome Research Institute expects to award up to $50 million over five years to the Knockout Mouse Project, which is aimed at "making maximum progress toward the completion of a comprehensive resource of knockout mice lines representing all genes in the mouse genome."


Awardees are expected to systematically create new knockout mouse lines using a variety of techniques, such as gene targeting, gene trapping, or transposon-mediated mutagenesis.

News of the award was disclosed today as the US National Institutes of Health said it has awarded $800,000 to two public mouse repositories that plan to use the funds to acquire genetically engineered mouse lines that are not yet widely accessible.

Under current NIH policy, mouse lines created through NIH-funded research must be made available to the scientific community. To facilitate sharing, the National Centerfor Research Resources supports a network of public repositories that archive and distribute mouse strains.


The $800,000 is being given by the NIH Neuroscience Blueprint and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to the NCRR, which in turn has awarded funds to the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers at the University of California, Davis, and the University of Missouri/Harlan facility in Columbia.


The NIH is currently working with the research community to develop a prioritized list of mice that can be collected under the knockout mice program. The agency said it anticipates that more than300 existing mouse mutants will be deposited and made available to the research community over the next two years.


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