
【字体: 时间:2006年04月12日 来源:生物通





罗敏敏博士与Hiroaki Matsunami博士日前共同获得人类前沿科学计划组织颁发的“青年科学家奖”。该奖项将资助北京生命科学研究所的罗敏敏实验室及美国杜克大学医学中心的Matsunami实验室3年共75万美元科研经费。

据《人民日报海外版》报道,罗敏敏毕业于北京大学心理学系,后赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学获计算机科学硕士学位,之后师从D.J. Perkel博士做神经科学研究,获宾夕法尼亚大学博士学位。在霍华德-休斯医学院和杜克大学做了近5年博士后。20058月罗敏敏在北京生命科学研究所建立实验室,从事神经生物学方面的研究。



Towards a process-based model of plant BVOC emissions

ARNETH Almut Dept. of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis University of Lund SWEDEN (GERMANY)

MONSON Russell Dept. of Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology University of Colorado, Boulder USA

NIINEMETS Ulo Dept. of Plant Physiology Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Tartu ESTONIA

SCHNITZLER Jörg-Peter  Institute for Meteorology, Atmospheric Environmental Research Research Center Karlsruhe, Garmisch-Partenkirchen GERMANY


Mechanisms of associative learning in human perception

BACKUS Benjamin Dept. of Psychology University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia USA

ERNST Marc Dept. of Computational Psychophysics Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen GERMANY

KEARNS Michael Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia USA

WALLIS Guy Visual Computation and Learning Group University of Queensland, ST. Lucia AUSTRALIA


Spatially defined addressing of cells to surfaces

BREITLING Frank Dept. of Chip based Peptide Arrays German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg GERMANY

SALTZMAN Mark Dept. of Biomedical Engineering  W. Yale University, New Haven USA


Spatiotemporal dynamics and macromolecular organization of synaptic proteins

CHOQUET Daniel Dept. of Cellular Physiology of Synapses Institut Magendie for Neuroscience University of Bordeaux FRANCE CNRS

HOLCMAN David Dept. of Mathematics Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot ISRAEL (FRANCE)

IMPERIALI Barbara Dept. of Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge USA

MARICQ Andres Dept. of Biology University of Utah, Salt Lake City USA


Interplay between Tissue Mechanics of Morphogenesis and Gene Expression during Gastrulation.

FARGE Emmanuel Dept. of Physico-Chemistry UMR 168 Curie Institute Jussieu - University Denis Diderot Paris 7 FRANCE

SANSON Bénédicte Dept. of Genetics University of Cambridge UK (FRANCE)

SOLNICA- KREZEL Lilianna Dept. of Biological Sciences Vanderbilt University, Nashville USA (POLAND)


From the cytoskeleton to cell shape: multiscale control of cell growth

GEITMANN Anja Dept. of Biological Sciences Institute of Plant Research (IRBV) University of Montreal CANADA (GERMANY)

CRESTI Mauro Dept. of Environmental Science University of Siena ITALY

DUMAIS Jacques Dept. of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Harvard University, Cambridge USA (CANADA)

MAHADEVAN Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences Lakshminarayanan Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Systems B Harvard University Pierce Hall, Cambridge USA (INDIA)


New Methods of Bio-molecular Crystal Structure Determination Specific to Neutron Diffraction Data

HAUPTMAN Herbert Dept. of Structural Biology A. Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Buffalo USA

NIIMURA Nobuo Graduate School of Science and Engineering Ibaraki University, Hitachi JAPAN

PODJARNY Alberto Dept. of Structural Biology IGBMC/CNRS, Illkirch FRANCE


Plants and environment: Systemic signals and target gene networks in reponse to pathogen attack

HEINLEIN Manfred Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMP) CNRS, Strasbourg FRANCE (GERMANY)

KOVALCHUK Igor Dept. of Biological Sciences Uiversity of Lethbridge CANADA (UKRAINE)

KUIPER Martin Computational Biology Division, Plant Systems Biology Ghent University / UG Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology / VIB, Ghent BELGIUM (THE NETHERLANDS)

PECK Scott Sainsbury Lab. John Innes Centre, Norwich UK (USA)


Intracellular protease signaling induced by homopolymeric amino acids (HPAA)

ISHIURA Shoichi Dept. of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and SciencesThe University of Tokyo JAPAN

BOGYO Matthew Dept. of Pathology Stanford University USA

SALVESEN Guy Program on Apoptosis and Cell Death Research  S. The Burnham Institute, San Diego USA (UK)

TURK Boris Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana SLOVENIA


Analysis of motion processing pathways and free flight control in wildtype and transgenic Drosophila

ITO Kei Center for BioinformaticsInstitute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences The University of Tokyo JAPAN

BORST Alexander Dept. of Systems and Computational Neurobiology Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried GERMANY

NELSON Bradley Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology (ETH), Zurich SWITZERLAND (USA)


Spatial and temporal dynamics of plasticity in adult visual cortex: High resolution imaging study

KALATSKY Valery Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Houston USA (BELARUS)

DINSE Hubert Institute of Neuroinformatics Ruhr-University, Bochum GERMANY


A systems biological approach to understanding the control of specificity in Ca2+-signaling systems

KUDLA Joerg Dept. of Plant Molecular and Developmental Biology Institute of Botany and Botanical garden University of Muenster GERMANY

BORNBERG- BAUER Erich Division of Bioinformatics, School of Biological Sciences University of Muenster GERMANY (AUSTRIA)

HETHERINGTON Alistair Dept. of Biology, Lancaster Environment Centre University of Lancaster UK

SCHROEDER Julian Cell and Developmental Biology Section Center for Molecular Genetics

Division of Biological Sciences University of California, San Diego, La Jolla USA


Redesigning Photoactive Proteins in a Tightly Coupled Theoretical and Experimental Feedback Loop

MARTINEZ Todd Dept. of Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana USA

HELLINGWERF Klaas Lab. for Microbiology Jan Swammerdam Institute for Life sciences

University of Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS

VAN GRONDELLE Rienk Dept. of Biophysics and Physics of Complex Systems Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS


Epigenetic Programming of Gene Expression and Function

MEANEY Michael McGill Program for the Study of Behaviour, Joseph Genes and Environment.

Patrick McGill University Douglas Hospital Res. Center, Montreal CANADA

DE KLOET Edo Center for drug Research / Sylvius Laboratories Ronald University of Leiden THE NETHERLANDS

JOËLS Marian Section Neurobiology, University of Amsterdam SILS THE NETHERLANDS

SECKL Jonathan Endocrinology Unit, Molecular Medicine Centre Robert Western General Hospital

University of Edinburgh UK

SZYF Moshe Dept. of Pharmacology and Therapeutics McGill University, Montreal CANADA


Synaptic tagging and capture: Functions, models and mechanisms

MORRIS Richard Lab. for Cognitive Neuroscience G. M. University of Edinburgh UK

BITO Haruhiko Dept. of Neurochemistry University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine JAPAN

BONHOEFFER Tobias Neuronal Plasticity and Vision Group Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried GERMANY

VAN ROSSUM Mark Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation School of Informatics UK (THE NETHERLANDS)   University of Edinburgh


In vivo analysis of HSPG structure and function in modulating axon guidance and cell signaling.

NEUMANN Carl Developmental Biology Unit EMBL GERMANY


BALAGURUNATHAN Kuberan Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry University of Utah, Salt Lake City USA (INDIA)

CHIEN Chi-Bin Dept. of Neurobiology & Anatomy University of Utah, Salt Lake City USA

KJELLÉN Lena Dept. of medical biochemistry and microbiology University of Uppsala SWEDEN


Infectious Synapse and Transmission of Disease

PIGUET Vincent Dept. of Dermatology and Venereology University Hospital of Geneva SWITZERLAND

ENDERLEIN Joerg Institute for Biological Information Processing 1 IBI-1, Forschungszentrum Juelich GERMANY

MARSH Mark Cell Biology Unit MRC Lab. for Molecular Cell Biology University College London UK

STEINMAN Ralph Lab. of Cellular Physiology and Immunology M. The Rockefeller University, New York USA


Glia and extrasynaptic communication in the brain

RUSAKOV Dmitri Dept. of Synaptic Imaging, Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy Institute of Neurology University College London UK

DIAMOND Jeffrey Synaptic Physiology Unit S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institutes of Health, Bethesda USA

OLIET Stephane Neurosciences Institute - Inserm U378 University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 FRANCE

SEMYANOV Alexey Neuronal Circuit Mechanisms Research Group RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI), Wako-Shi JAPAN (RUSSIA)


Molecular, statistical, and bioinformatics analysis of Plasmodium and human genome co-evolution

TISHKOFF Sarah Dept. of Biology University of Maryland, College Park USA

AWADALLA Philip Dept. of Genetics North Carolina State University, Raleigh USA

MCVEAN Gil Dept. of Statistics Oxford University UK

TRAMONTANO Anna Dept. of Biochemical Sciences University of Rome ITALY


Structural study of eukaryotic ribosomes, eIF3, translation initiation complexes and their dynamics

YUSUPOV Marat Structural Biology and Genomics Lab. IGBMC, Illkirch FRANCE (RUSSIA)

PESTOVA Tatyana Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn USA (RUSSIA)

SVERGUN Dmitry Hamburg Outstation EMBL, Hamburg GERMANY (RUSSIA)



RNA Shape Recognition And Structure In MicroRNA Processing

BOISBOUVIER Jérôme Structural Biology Institute / NMR Lab. CNRS/CEA/UJF UMR5075, Grenoble FRANCE

PALATNIK Javier Dept. of Molecular Biology IBR, Rosario ARGENTINA

Synthetic pathogens for integrated biophysical and genetic dissection of antigen presentation

FERREIRA MOITA Luis Cell Biology of the Immune System Institute of Molecular Medicine University of Lisbon PORTUGAL

IRVINE Darrell Dept. of Biological Engineering/Materials Science & Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge USA

Molecular mechanism for dynamic protein palmitoylation

FUKATA Masaki Lab. of Genomics and Proteomics National Institute for Longevity Sciences, Obu JAPAN

PEREZ Franck Dept. of Compartimentation and Cell Dynamics CNRS UMR144 - Institut Curie, Paris FRANCE

Exploring the molecular dynamics of aging: asymmetric inheritance of cellular degeneracy in E. coli

HERMAN Christophe Dept. of Molecular and Human Genetics Baylor College of Medicine, Houston USA (BELGIUM)

TADDEI Francois Dept. of Evolutionary and Medical Molecular Genetics Paris 5 University INSERM, Paris FRANCE

Kinesin motors under load applied by “nano-springs”

KIKKAWA Masahide Dept. of Cell Biology University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas USA (JAPAN)

DERENYI Imre Dept. of Biological Physics Eotvos University, Budapest HUNGARY

TOMISHIGE Michio  Dept. of Applied Physics The University of Tokyo JAPAN

Molecular mechanisms of poly-ADP-ribosylation in memory

LADURNER Andreas Gene Expression Unit Structural & Computational Biology Unit GERMANY (ITALY) EMBL, Heidelberg

DUBNAU Josh  Dept. of Neuroscience Cold Spring Harbor Lab. USA


Function of a Specialized Olfactory System in Mammals

MATSUNAMI Hiroaki Dept. of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Duke University Medical Center, Durham USA (JAPAN)

LUO Minmin  National Institute of Biological Sciences Zhongguancun Life Science Park, Beijing CHINA

Understanding the coordination chemistry, function and biological mechanism of copper chaperones

MERKX Maarten Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology THE NETHERLANDS

SHURKI Avital  Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products School of Pharmacy Hebrew University, Jerusalem ISRAEL

TSHUVA Edit  Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry Hebrew University, Jerusalem ISRAEL

A novel time-resolved X-ray diffraction approach to the study of cell membrane transport

NEUTZE Richard  Dept. of Chemistry & Bioscience Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg SWEDEN (NEW ZEALAND)

ABRAMSON Jeff  Dept. of Physiology David Geffen School of Medicine University of California Los Angeles USA (UCLA)

SPECHT Alexandre  Bioorganic Chemistry Lab UMR 7514 – CNRS University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg FRANCE

Regulation of Kinesin activity by synaptic proteins: implications in synapse development

SHEN Kang  Dept. of Biological Sciences University of Stanford USA (CHINA)

KLOPFENSTEIN Dieter  Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain Georg August University, Goettingen GERMANY (SWITZERLAND)

Organization and function of neuronal networks in the sensory cortex

SIK Attila  Dept. of Psychiatry Laval University, CRULRG, Quebec CANADA (HUNGARY)

BOLDOGKÖI Zsolt  Dept. of Biology Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged HUNGARY

HIRASE Hajime  Neuronal Circuit and Mechanisms Research Group RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-Shi JAPAN

TIESINGA Paul  Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (THE NETHERLANDS) USA
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