【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2006年11月10日 来源:生物通
黄志力,安徽桐城人。于1985、1988、1999年分别获医学学士、硕士及博士学位。1992、1997年先后获笹川医学奖学金第11期研修生、第6期特别研究者资格赴日本研修。1999-2000年,日本大阪生命科学研究所博士后;2000-2002年,日本文部省学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员;2003-2005年,大阪生命科学研究所研究员、研究副部长。2005年12月起,受聘为复旦大学上海医学院神经生物学国家重点实验室研究员、博士生导师。研究兴趣:睡眠与失眠的分子机制。近五年来,从基因到行为,解析下丘脑在睡眠-觉醒调节中的重要作用。发现了神经肽orexin 的促觉醒作用依赖于组胺能神经系统的活化(Huang et al.,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2001),此文四年内已被SCI杂志引用近100次;阐明了咖啡因的促觉醒作用是由腺苷A2A 受体,而非A1 受体所介导(Huang et al.,Nat Neurosci,2005),结束了睡眠界关于咖啡因促觉醒机制的长期争论。该文一经发表,日本18家新闻媒体迅即予以报道,我国《健康报》与《上海科技报》也刊文介绍。在日工作期间,曾主持或参与日本文部省基盘研究基金、脑研究基金等7项科研项目,累计经费达550万美元。现主持国家自然科学基金1项。1987年以来,在Nat Neurosci,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,J Neurosci,J Neurochem,Neurology等国内、外杂志上发表原著论文及综述64篇。为Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,Neuropharmacology,J Neurosci Res,Acta Pharmacol Sin,Acta Physiol Sin等杂志审稿。多次应邀赴美国、法国、乌拉圭、新加坡、印度等国进行学术交流。
近五年主要文章 (*, Corresponding author)
1. Huang ZL, Mochizuki T, Qu WM, Hong ZY, Watanabe T, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Altered sleep-wake characteristics and lack of arousal response to H3 receptor antagonist in histamine H1 receptor knockout mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006, in press.
2. Yoshida G, Li MX, Horiuchi M, Nakagawa S, Sakata M, Kuchiiwa S, Kuchiiwa T, Jalil MA, Begum L, Lu YB, Iijima M, Hanada T, Nakazato M, Huang ZL, Eguchi N, Kobayashi K and Saheki T. Fasting-induced reduction in locomotor activity and reduced response of orexin neurons in carnitine-deficient mice. Neurosci Res 2006; in press.
3. Huang ZL, Qu WM, Eguchi N, Chen JF, Schwarzschild MA, Fredholm BB, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Adenosine A2A, but not A1, receptors mediate the arousal effect of caffeine. Nat Neurosci 2005; 8 (7): 858-859.
4. Hong ZY, Huang ZL*, Qu WM, Eguchi N, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. An adenosine A2A receptor agonist induces sleep by increasing GABA release in the tuberomammillary nucleus to inhibit histaminergic systems in rats. J Neurochem 2005; 92(6):1542-1549.
5. Hong ZY, Huang ZL*, Qu WM, and Eguchi N. Orexin A promotes histamine, but not noradrenaline or serotonin release, in the frontal cortex of mice. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2005; 26(2):155-159.
6. Urade Y, Huang ZL, Eguchi N. Endogenous sleep-promoting substances. Jpn J Clin Exp Med 2005; 82(5): 93-97. (Japanese).
7. Huang ZL*, Qu WM, Eguchi N, Chu M, Okada T, Sato, Y, Sakata M, Mochizuki T, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Histaminergic role in sleep-wake cycle of orexin, adenosine, and prostaglandin E2 and D2. Sleep Biol Rhythm 2004; 2: 21-22.
8. Chu M, Huang ZL*, Qu WM, Eguchi N, Yao MH and Urade Y. Extracellular histamine level in the frontal cortex is positively correlated with the amount of wakefulness in rats. Neurosci Res 2004; 49(4): 417-420.
9. Hayaishi O, Urade Y, Eguchi N and Huang ZL. Genes for prostaglandin D synthase and receptor as well as adenosine A2A receptor are involved in the homeostatic regulation of NREM sleep. Arch Ital Biol 2004; 142(4): 533-539.
10. Hayaishi O and Huang ZL. Role of orexin and prostaglandin E2 in activating histaminergic neurotransmission. Drug News Perspect 2004; 17(2): 105-109.
11. Huang ZL, Sato Y, Mochizuki T, Okada T, Qu WM, Yamatodani A, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Prostaglandin E2 activates the histaminergic system via EP4 receptor to induce wakefulness in rats. J Neurosci 2003; 23(14):5975-5983.
12. Okada T, Mochizuki T, Huang ZL, Eguchi N, Sugita Y, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Dominant localization of adenosine deaminase in leptomeninges and involvement of the enzyme in sleep. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2003; 312(1): 29-34.
13. Urade Y, Eguchi N, Qu WM., Sakata M, Huang ZL, Chen JF, Schwarzschild MA, Fink JS, Hayaishi O. Sleep regulation in adenosine A2A receptor-deficient mice. Neurology 2003; 61: S94-96.
14. Huang ZL* and Urade Y. Modification of autonomic nerve function by prostaglandin E2. Clin Neurosci 2003; 21(12): 1374-1376 (Japanese).
15. Huang ZL*, Mochizuki T, Okada T, Hayaishi O and Urade Y. Prostaglandin E2 activates the histaminergic system in rat brain. 3rd International Congress of Oxygen and Oxygaxide Kyoto, Eleviser Press. International Congress Series 1233 (2002) 441-445.
16. Mizoguchi A, Eguchi N, Kimura K, Kiyohara Y, Qu WM, Huang ZL, Mochizuki T, Lazarus M, Kobayashi T, Kaneko T, Narumiya S, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Dominant localization of prostaglandin D receptors on arachnoid trabecular cells in mouse basal forebrain and their involvement in the regulation of non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001; 98(20): 11674-11679.
17. Huang ZL, Qu WM, Li WD, Mochizuki M, Eguchi N, Watanabe T, Urade Y and Hayaishi O. Arousal effect of orexin A depends on activation of the histaminergic system. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001; 98 (17): 9965-9970.