时间如水般潺潺而逝,恍然间已近岁末。回首一年,感谢您与 NEB 携手走过的光荫。我们一同载着满满的收获期许着新一年的复始。值此辞旧迎新之际,我们用最诚挚的谢意为您带来回馈客户系列活动之四——岁末感恩促销季。

活动时间:即日起至 2016 年 1 月 31 日

40 种常用内切酶

AflII R0520L 10,000 units
AflII R0520S 2,000 units
AflII R0520V 1,000 units
AgeI-HF R3552L 1,500 units
AgeI-HF R3552S 300 units
ApaI R0114L 25,000 units
ApaI R0114S 5,000 units
ApaI R0114V 2,500 units
AscI R0558L 2,500 units
AscI R0558S 500 units
AscI R0558V 250 units
BamHI-HF R3136L 50,000 units
BamHI-HF R3136M (高浓度 5X)50,000 units
BamHI-HF R3136S 10,000 units
BamHI-HF R3136T (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
BamHI-HF R3136V 5,000 units
BglI R0143L 10,000 units
BglI R0143S 2,000 units
BglI R0143V 1,000 units
BglII R0144L 10,000 units
BglII R0144M (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
BglII R0144S 2,000 units
BglII R0144V 1,000 units
BsaI-HF R3535L 5,000 units
BsaI-HF R3535S 1,000 units
BsaI-HF R3535V 500 units
BstBI R0519L 12,500 units
BstBI R0519S 2,500 units
BstBI R0519V 1,250 units
ClaI R0197L 5,000 units
ClaI R0197S 1,000 units
ClaI R0197V 500 units
DpnI R0176L 5,000 units
DpnI R0176S 1,000 units
DpnI R0176V 500 units
DraI R0129L 10,000 units
DraI R0129S 2,000 units
DraI R0129V 1,000 units
EcoRI-HF R3101L 50,000 units
EcoRI-HF R3101M (高浓度 5X)50,000 units
EcoRI-HF R3101S 10,000 units
EcoRI-HF R3101T (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
EcoRI-HF R3101V 5,000 units
EcoRV-HF R3195L 20,000 units
EcoRV-HF R3195M (高浓度 5X)20,000 units
EcoRV-HF R3195S 4,000 units
EcoRV-HF R3195T (高浓度 5X)4,000 units
EcoRV-HF R3195V 2,000 units
HaeIII R0108L 15,000 units
HaeIII R0108M (高浓度 5X)15,000 units
HaeIII R0108S 3,000 units
HaeIII R0108T (高浓度 5X)3,000 units
HaeIII R0108V 1,500 units
HindIII-HF R3104L 50,000 units
HindIII-HF R3104M (高浓度 5X)50,000 units
HindIII-HF R3104S 10,000 units
HindIII-HF R3104T (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
HindIII-HF R3104V 5,000 units
HinfI R0155L 25,000 units
HinfI R0155M (高浓度 5X)25,000 units
HinfI R0155S 5,000 units
HinfI R0155T (高浓度 5X)5,000 units
HinfI R0155V 2,500 units
HpaII R0171L 10,000 units
HpaII R0171M (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
HpaII R0171S 2,000 units
HpaII R0171V 1,000 units
KpnI-HF R3142L 20,000 units
KpnI-HF R3142M (高浓度 5X)20,000 units
KpnI-HF R3142S 4,000 units
KpnI-HF R3142V 2,000 units
MluI-HF R3198L 5,000 units
MluI-HF R3198S 1,000 units
MluI-HF R3198V 500 units
MspI R0106L 25,000 units
MspI R0106M (高浓度 5X)25,000 units
MspI R0106S 5,000 units
MspI R0106T (高浓度 5X)5,000 units
MspI R0106V 2,500 units
NcoI-HF R3193L 5,000 units
NcoI-HF R3193M (高浓度 5X)5,000 units
NcoI-HF R3193S 1,000 units
NcoI-HF R3193V 500 units
NdeI R0111L 20,000 units
NdeI R0111S 4,000 units
NdeI R0111V 2,000 units
NheI-HF R3131L 5,000 units
NheI-HF R3131M (高浓度 5X)5,000 units
NheI-HF R3131S 1,000 units
NheI-HF R3131V 500 units
NotI-HF R3189L 2,500 units
NotI-HF R3189M (高浓度 5X)2,500 units
NotI-HF R3189S 500 units
NotI-HF R3189V 250 units
PstI-HF R3140L 50,000 units
PstI-HF R3140M (高浓度 5X)50,000 units
PstI-HF R3140S 10,000 units
PstI-HF R3140T (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
PstI-HF R3140V 5,000 units
PvuI-HF R3150L 2,500 units
PvuI-HF R3150S 500 units
PvuI-HF R3150V 250 units
PvuII-HF R3151L 25,000 units
PvuII-HF R3151M (高浓度 5X)25,000 units
PvuII-HF R3151S 5,000 units
PvuII-HF R3151V 2,500 units
SacI-HF R3156L 10,000 units
SacI-HF R3156M (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
SacI-HF R3156S 2,000 units
SacI-HF R3156V 1,000 units
SacII R0157L 10,000 units
SacII R0157S 2,000 units
SacII R0157V 1,000 units
SalI-HF R3138L 10,000 units
SalI-HF R3138M (高浓度 5X)10,000 units
SalI-HF R3138S 2,000 units
SalI-HF R3138T (高浓度 5X)2,000 units
SalI-HF R3138V 1,000 units
ScaI-HF R3122L 5,000 units
ScaI-HF R3122M (高浓度 5X)5,000 units
ScaI-HF R3122S 1,000 units
ScaI-HF R3122V 500 units
SfiI R0123L 15,000 units
SfiI R0123S 3,000 units
SfiI R0123V 1,500 units
SmaI R0141L 10,000 units
SmaI R0141S 2,000 units
SmaI R0141V 1,000 units
SpeI-HF R3133L 2,500 units
SpeI-HF R3133M (高浓度 5X)2,500 units
SpeI-HF R3133S 500 units
SpeI-HF R3133V 250 units
SwaI R0604L 10,000 units
SwaI R0604S 2,000 units
TaqαI R0149L 20,000 units
TaqαI R0149M (高浓度 5X)20,000 units
TaqαI R0149S 4,000 units
TaqαI R0149T (高浓度 5X)4,000 units
TaqαI R0149V 2,000 units
XbaI R0145L 15,000 units
XbaI R0145M (高浓度 5X)15,000 units
XbaI R0145S 3,000 units
XbaI R0145T (高浓度 5X)3,000 units
XbaI R0145V 1,500 units
XhoI R0146L 25,000 units
XhoI R0146M (高浓度 5X)25,000 units
XhoI R0146S 5,000 units
XhoI R0146V 2,500 units
XmaI R0180L 2,500 units
XmaI R0180M (高浓度 5X)2,500 units
XmaI R0180S 500 units
XmaI R0180V 250 units

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0491L 500 units
Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0491S 100 units
Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0491V 50 units
Q5® High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix M0492L 500 rxns (50 μl vol)
Q5® High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix M0492S 100 rxns (50 μl vol)
Q5® Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0493L 500 units
Q5® Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0493S 100 units
Q5® Hot Start High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix M0494L 500 rxns (50 μl vol)
Q5® Hot Start High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix M0494S 100 rxns (50 μl vol)
NEBNext® High-Fidelity 2X PCR Master Mix M0541L 250 rxns (50 μl vol)
NEBNext® High-Fidelity 2X PCR Master Mix M0541S 50 rxns (50 μl vol)
NEBNext® Q5® Hot Start HiFi PCR Master Mix M0543L 250 rxns (50 μl vol)
NEBNext® Q5® Hot Start HiFi PCR Master Mix M0543S 50 rxns (50 μl vol)
NEBNext® Ultra II Q5® Master Mix M0544L 250 rxns (50 μl vol)
NEBNext® Ultra II Q5® Master Mix M0544S 50 rxns (50 μl vol)
Q5® Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Without Competent Cells) E0552S 10 rxns
Q5® High-Fidelity PCR Kit E0555L 200 rxns (50 μl vol)
Q5® High-Fidelity PCR Kit E0555S 50 rxns (50 μl vol)
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Set N0446S 25 μmol of each
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix N0447L 40 μmol of each
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix N0447S 8 μmol of each
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix N0447V 4 μmol of each


AMV First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit E6550S 30 rxns
AMV Reverse Transcriptase M0277L 1,000 units
AMV Reverse Transcriptase M0277T (高浓度)500 units
AMV Reverse Transcriptase M0277S 200 units
DNase I (RNase-Free) M0303L 5,000 units
DNase I (RNase-Free) M0303S 1,000 units
M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase M0253L 50,000 units
M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase M0253S 10,000 units
M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase M0253V 5,000 units
NEBNext® RNA First Strand Synthesis Module E7525L 96 rxns
NEBNext® RNA First Strand Synthesis Module E7525S 24 rxns
Oligo d(T)18 mRNA Primer S1316S 5.0 A260 unit
Oligo d(T)23 VN S1327S 1.0 A260 unit
OneTaq® RT-PCR Kit E5310S 30 rxns
ProtoScript® First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit E6300L 150 rxns
ProtoScript® First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit E6300S 30 rxns
ProtoScript® II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit E6560L 150 rxns
ProtoScript® II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit E6560S 30 rxns
ProtoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase M0368X 40,000 units
ProtoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase M0368L 10,000 units
ProtoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase M0368S 4,000 units
Random Primer 6 S1230S 1.0 A260 unit
Random Primer 9 S1254S 1.0 A260 unit
Random Primer Mix S1330S 100 μl(60 μM)
RNase H M0297L 1,250 units
RNase H M0297S 250 units
RNase Inhibitor, Human Placenta M0307L 10,000 units
RNase Inhibitor, Human Placenta M0307S 2,000 units
RNase Inhibitor, Murine M0314L 15,000 units
RNase Inhibitor, Murine M0314S 3,000 units
WarmStart® RTx Reverse Transcriptase M0380L 250 rxns
WarmStart® RTx Reverse Transcriptase M0380S 50 rxns


NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix E2621X 250 rxns
NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix E2621L 50 rxns
NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix E2621S 10 rxns
NEB® Golden Gate Assembly Mix E1600S 15 rxns 



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