Real-time PCR试剂盒
                — 专为病毒DNA、RNA检测而优化

QuantiTect Virus Kits
■ 利用探针法进行高灵敏度检测 — 单重或多重检测
■ 可在同一个反应中同时检测RNA和DNA病毒
■ 清楚地检测到弱阳性信号
■ 快速通用的两步法
■ 5x预混液,可允许加入更多的模板量

      试剂盒专为检测病毒核酸而开发,经过特殊优化,可进行高 灵敏度的病毒RNA和/或DNA及内参的多重检测(图1&2)。 提供的5x 预混液包含热启动DNA聚合酶HotStarTaq Plus DNA Polymerase 、dNTP混合物及ROX dye(ROX dye也可单管提供), 其浓度已经在各种real-time仪器上优化。

      试剂盒还包含独特配方的逆转录酶 Sensiscript Reverse Transcriptase ,经过优化用于高灵敏度的病毒RNA检测。提供的 QuantiTect Nucleic Acid Dilution Buffer可在稀释标准品及实 验建立的过程中稳定RNA和DNA ,并避免核酸吸附到塑料 表面,如管壁、枪头表面。

  Reliable detection of viral RNA over a wide linear range.
图1 Viral RNA was diluted in serial fivefold dilutions and amplified in duplex with an internal control using the QuantiTect Virus Kit. A Amplification plot of the viral targets. B Amplification plot of the internal control.

图2 Unambiguous determination of CT values over a broad dynamic range.Serial dilutions of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) RNA, as indicated, were amplified and analyzed using the QuantiTect Virus Kit. The steep sigmoidal curves enable accurate CT value determination even at low template amounts (100 copies/μl).  A  Detection of BVDV1 RNA.  B  Detection of BVDV2 RNA.NTC: No template control.

试剂盒组分 优点
5x QuantiTect Virus Master Mix

QuantiTect Virus Buffer (included in the master mix)

HotStarTaq Plus DNA Polymerase (included in the master mix)


QuantiTect Virus RT Mix 独特配方的逆转录酶,专为检测病毒RNA而优化
QuantiTect Nucleic Acid Dilution Buffer 独特缓冲液,用于稀释和保存核酸


图3 Synthetic factor MP, an innovative PCR additive, increases the local concentration of primers and probes at the template. Together with K+ and other cations, synthetic factor MP stabilizes specifically bound primers and probes, allowing efficient primer extension by HotStarTaq Plus DNA Polymerase.



W W W . Q I A G E N . C O M  
由QIAGEN公司委托 生物通 制作