产品名称 |
产品说明 |
货号 |
价格 |
Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose Beads (2 x 1 ml) |
2 x 1 ml nickel-charged magnetic agarose beads (5% suspension) |
36111 |
¥2,525 |
Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose Beads (6 x 1 ml) |
6 x 1 ml nickel-charged magnetic agarose beads (5% suspension) |
36113 |
¥7,100 |
Ni-NTA Spin Columns (50) |
50 Ni-NTA Spin Columns, Collection Tubes |
31014 |
¥4,750 |
Ni-NTA Agarose (25 ml) |
25 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 2.8 psi) |
30210 |
¥3,250 |
Ni-NTA Agarose (100 ml) |
100 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 2.8 psi) |
30230 |
¥11,125 |
Ni-NTA Agarose (500 ml) |
500 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 2.8 psi) |
30250 |
¥47,875 |
Ni-NTA Superflow (25 ml) |
25 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 140 psi) |
30410 |
¥4,075 |
Ni-NTA Superflow (100 ml) |
100 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 140 psi) |
30430 |
¥13,625 |
Ni-NTA Superflow (500 ml) |
500 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 140 psi) |
30450 |
¥57,500 |
Ni-NTA Superflow Columns (12 x 1.5 ml) |
For 12 6xHis-tagged protein preps: 12 polypropylene columns containing 1.5 ml Ni-NTA Superflow |
30622 |
¥4,325 |
Ni-NTA Superflow Columns (144 x 1.5 ml) |
For 144 6xHis-tagged protein preps: 12 x 12 polypropylene columns containing 1.5 ml Ni-NTA Superflow |
30624 |
¥46,725 |
Ni-NTA Fast Start Kit (6) |
For purification and detection of six 6xHis-tagged protein preps: 6 x Fast Start Columns, Penta·His Antibody, Buffers and Reagents |
30600 |
¥3,625 |