【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2016年12月14日 来源:生物通
生物通报道:最近,美国西安大略大学的研究人员,就像玩分子乐高游戏一样,向革命性的新基因编辑工具CRISPR/Cas9添加了一种工程酶。他们的研究发表在12月12日出版的美国国家科学院院刊PNAS,表明他们添加的这种工程酶,使得CRISPR基因编辑技术能够更有效和有特异性地靶定基因。延伸阅读:从Nature到Cell,多篇顶级论文指出CRISPR/Cas9系统不可或缺的元件;中外Science等两篇论文 实现CRISPR多基因编辑与多重基因编辑;张锋发表CRISPR新突破 实现简单的多重基因编辑。
该项研究的首席研究员、Schulich医学及牙科学院的副教授David Edgell说:“CRISPR的问题在于,它会切割DNA,但另一方面DNA修复将修复这个切口并把它粘在一起。这意味着,它会再生CRISPR正试图靶定的位点,从而产生了一个无效循环。我们添加这种酶的一个新奇之处在于,它阻止了这种再生的发生。”
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本文共同作者、Schulich医学及牙科Robarts研究所科学家副教授Caroline Schild-Poulter指出:“因为有两个切割位点,这两个位点在基因组中随机发生的机会较少;比起仅仅切割一个位点的机会更少。这还有待于检验,但这充满了希望和期待。”
Biasing genome-editing events toward precise length deletions with an RNA-guided TevCas9 dual nuclease
Abstract:The CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease is commonly used to make gene knockouts. The blunt DNA ends generated by cleavage can be efficiently ligated by the classical nonhomologous end-joining repair pathway (c-NHEJ), regenerating the target site. This repair creates a cycle of cleavage, ligation, and target site regeneration that persists until sufficient modification of the DNA break by alternative NHEJ prevents further Cas9 cutting, generating a heterogeneous population of insertions and deletions typical of gene knockouts. Here, we develop a strategy to escape this cycle and bias events toward defined length deletions by creating an RNA-guided dual active site nuclease that generates two noncompatible DNA breaks at a target site, effectively deleting the majority of the target site such that it cannot be regenerated. The TevCas9 nuclease, a fusion of the I-TevI nuclease domain to Cas9, functions robustly in HEK293 cells and generates 33- to 36-bp deletions at frequencies up to 40%. Deep sequencing revealed minimal processing of TevCas9 products, consistent with protection of the DNA ends from exonucleolytic degradation and repair by the c-NHEJ pathway. Directed evolution experiments identified I-TevI variants with broadened targeting range, making TevCas9 an easy-to-use reagent. Our results highlight how the sequence-tolerant cleavage properties of the I-TevI homing endonuclease can be harnessed to enhance Cas9 applications, circumventing the cleavage and ligation cycle and biasing genome-editing events toward defined length deletions.