【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2016年01月27日 来源:生物通
生物通报道: 本周来自瑞士和美国的研究人员指出,目前一般认为DNA甲基化之间的差异会决定社会性昆虫是成为繁殖蚁(也就是蚁后),还是工蚁的这种观点并不可靠,他们认为DNA甲基化作用并未得到已有数据的充分支持。这一研究成果公布在Current Biology杂志上。
“这一发现表明,并没有证据证明甲基化会造成两只蚂蚁出现非常大差异的行为,这令人心生警惕,”来自洛克菲勒大学的文章作者之一Daniel Kronauer说,“另外一方面,对于希望弄清楚到底社会行为与DNA甲基化功能之间的关系的研究人员来说,这项研究也十分重要。”
当Kronauer研究组比较一种蚂蚁(Cerapachys biroi)多个样品之间的多个水平时,研究人员发现扮演不同角色的蚂蚁组群之间的甲基化水平差异并没有比同组间甲基化水平差异大多少。换句话说,一旦数据利用合适的统计进行检测,那么蚁后与工蚁之间的甲基化水平差异就会消失。
Robust DNA Methylation in the Clonal Raider Ant Brain
Social insects are promising model systems for epigenetics due to their immense
morphological and behavioral plasticity. Reports that DNA methylation differs
between the queen and worker castes in social insects [ 1–4 ] have implied a
role for DNA methylation in regulating division of labor. To better understand
the function of DNA methylation in social insects, we performed whole-genome
bisulfite sequencing on brains of the clonal raider ant Cerapachys biroi, whose
colonies alternate between reproductive (queen-like) and brood care
(worker-like) phases [ 5 ]. Many cytosines were methylated in all replicates (on
average 29.5% of the methylated cytosines in a given replicate), indicating that
a large proportion of the C. biroi brain methylome is robust. Robust DNA
methylation occurred preferentially in exonic CpGs of highly and stably
expressed genes involved in core functions. Our analyses did not detect any
differences in DNA methylation between the queen-like and worker-like phases,
suggesting that DNA methylation is not associated with changes in reproduction
and behavior in C. biroi. Finally, many cytosines were methylated in one sample
only, due to either biological or experimental variation. By applying the
statistical methods used in previous studies [ 1–4, 6 ] to our data, we show
that such sample-specific DNA methylation may underlie the previous findings of
queen- and worker-specific methylation. We argue that there is currently no
evidence that genome-wide variation in DNA methylation is associated with the
queen and worker castes in social insects, and we call for a more careful
interpretation of the available data.