【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2015年06月24日 来源:中科院
利用生物信息学、分子生物学和化学手段,中国科学院微生物研究所研究员刘杏忠课题组与德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心教授安志强课题组合作研究发现在子囊真菌Glarea lozoyensis中存在着参与次级代谢的操纵子。通过DNA和cDNA序列的比对发现在Glarea lozoyensis中存在一个特殊的基因结构,它由1个聚酮合酶基因(glpks3)和1个非核糖体多肽合成酶基因(glnrps7)构成。这两个基因在同一个启动子的控制下可以共转录为一条双顺反子mRNA,而此mRNA则进一步翻译为2个蛋白质GLPKS3和GLNRPS7。glpks3/glnrps7在构巢曲霉中的异源表达试验表明GLPKS3/GLNRPS7酶复合体负责一个新的tetramicacid类化合物——xenolozoyenone的合成。尽管glpks3/glnrps7操纵子的结构与原核操纵子类似,但该操纵子起源于真菌,并不是经由水平转移从原核生物中获得的。他们还对Glarea lozoyensis中的另外2个类似操纵子结构在转录水平上进行了验证。另外,他们根据构巢曲霉、Glomerella graminicola 和Drechslerella stenobrocha 的基因组与转录组数据对类似操纵子结构进行了预测,发现类似操纵子结构在真菌中较为普遍。研究结果不仅为真菌次级代谢产物编码基因的起源与进化研究提供了新的依据和途径,而且有利于进一步全面深入地认识和理解真菌乃至真核生物基因的转录调控模式,在真菌聚酮化合物研究方面也具有重要的理论和实践意义。
Functional Operons in Secondary Metabolic Gene Clusters in Glarea lozoyensis (Fungi, Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes)
Operons are multigene transcriptional units which occur mostly in prokaryotes but rarely in eukaryotes. Protein-coding operons have not been reported in the Fungi even though they represent a very diverse kingdom of organisms. Here, we report a functional operon involved in the secondary metabolism of the fungus Glarea lozoyensis belonging to Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota). Two contiguous genes, glpks3 and glnrps7, encoding polyketide synthase and nonribosomal peptide synthetase, respectively, are cotranscribed into one dicistronic mRNA under the control of the same promoter, and the mRNA is then translated into two individual proteins, GLPKS3 and GLNRPS7. Heterologous expression in Aspergillus nidulans shows that the GLPKS3-GLNRPS7 enzyme complex catalyzes the biosynthesis of a novel pyrrolidinedione-containing compound, xenolozoyenone (compound 1), which indicates the operon is functional. Although it is structurally similar to prokaryotic operons, the glpks3-glnrps7 operon locus has a monophylogenic origin from fungi rather than having been horizontally transferred from prokaryotes. Moreover, two additional operons, glpks28-glnrps8 and glpks29-glnrps9, were verified at the transcriptional level in the same fungus. This is the first report of protein-coding operons in a member of the Fungi.
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