【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2015年05月28日 来源:生物通
生物通报道 来自谢菲尔德大学和哥本哈根大学的科学家们确定了阻止乳腺癌患者中继发性癌肿的一个关键点,他们发现了一个促进乳腺癌扩散的酶。这项研究工作发布在5月27日的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。
每年在英国有1.2万人死于乳腺癌,继发性(转移性)乳腺癌是她们死亡的主要原因。乳腺癌最常见的扩散位点是骨骼——发生于大约85%的继发性乳腺癌患者中(延伸阅读:北大博导乳腺癌成果连发两著名期刊 )。
由英国癌症研究所完成的这项新研究发现,原发性肿瘤释放的赖氨酰氧化酶(Lysyl Oxidase,LOX)在骨骼中打孔,让骨骼为即将到来的癌细胞做好了准备。
这一由谢菲尔德大学人类代谢系Alison Gartland博士共同领导的开创性研究,从长远来看有可能促成癌症患者更好的预后。
研究的共同领导者、英国癌症研究所癌症生物学前课题组负责人Janine Erler博士说:“一旦癌症扩散至骨骼就很难治疗。我们的研究揭示出了乳腺癌预处理骨骼,使得它为癌细胞的到来做好准备的方式。”
乳腺癌运动和抗乳腺癌慈善机构的高级研究媒体部主管Katherine Woods说:“通过揭示LOX蛋白所起的作用,这些结果为研究以及开发出一些疗法来阻止乳腺癌扩散至骨骼开启了一条全新的途经。这项研究还为日益增加的证据提供了进一步的支持,证明了双膦酸盐类药物具有阻止继发性乳腺癌的作用。
The hypoxic cancer secretome induces pre-metastatic bone lesions through lysyl oxidase
Tumour metastasis is a complex process involving reciprocal interplay between cancer cells and host stroma at both primary and secondary sites, and is strongly influenced by microenvironmental factors such as hypoxia1. Tumour-secreted proteins play a crucial role in these interactions2, 3, 4, 5 and present strategic therapeutic potential. Metastasis of breast cancer to the bone affects approximately 85% of patients with advanced disease and renders them largely untreatable6. Specifically, osteolytic bone lesions, where bone is destroyed, lead to debilitating skeletal complications and increased patient morbidity and mortality6, 7. The molecular interactions governing the early events of osteolytic lesion formation are currently unclear. Here we show hypoxia to be specifically associated with bone relapse in patients with oestrogen-receptor negative breast cancer. Global quantitative analysis of the hypoxic secretome identified lysyl oxidase (LOX) as significantly associated with bone-tropism and relapse. High expression of LOX in primary breast tumours or systemic delivery of LOX leads to osteolytic lesion formation whereas silencing or inhibition of LOX activity abrogates tumour-driven osteolytic lesion formation. We identify LOX as a novel regulator of NFATc1-driven osteoclastogenesis, independent of RANK ligand, which disrupts normal bone homeostasis leading to the formation of focal pre-metastatic lesions. We show that these lesions subsequently provide a platform for circulating tumour cells to colonize and form bone metastases. Our study identifies a novel mechanism of regulation of bone homeostasis and metastasis, opening up opportunities for novel therapeutic intervention with important clinical implications.