
【字体: 时间:2015年04月24日 来源:生物通


  四月二十一日,来自华东师范大学、中山大学癌症研究中心和芝加哥大学的研究人员,在国际学术期刊《Journal of Biological Chemistry》在线发表一项最新研究。这项研究提供证据表明,印记基因DMRs上的组蛋白修饰状态,可能决定着DNA甲基化是否会在UHRF1重表达后恢复。该研究还认为,小鼠ES细胞可能是解析印记基因中差异性DNA甲基化确立的根本机制的有用模型。


生物通报道:四月二十一日,来自华东师范大学、中山大学癌症研究中心和芝加哥大学的研究人员,在国际学术期刊《Journal of Biological Chemistry》在线发表题为“Non-germline Restoration of Genomic Imprinting for a Small Subset of Imprinted Genes in Ubiquitin-like PHD and RING Finger Domain-Containing 1 (Uhrf1) Null Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells”的最新研究论文。这项研究提供证据表明,印记基因DMRs上的组蛋白修饰状态,可能决定着DNA甲基化是否会在UHRF1重表达后恢复。该研究还认为,小鼠ES细胞可能是解析印记基因中差异性DNA甲基化确立的根本机制的有用模型。

本文通讯作者为华东师范大学生命科学学院副院长、上海市调控生物学重点实验室副主任翁杰敏教授及其课题组副教授李纪文。翁杰敏教授1994年获得美国Vermont大学微生物和分子遗传学博士学位,之后在美国国立卫生研究院从事博士后研究,1997年至2007年间先后担任美国贝勒医学院分子和细胞生物学系助理教授、副教授。翁杰敏教授长期从事细胞核激素受体调控基因表达的分子机制以及表观遗传分子机制方面的研究,其领导的实验室研究细胞核激素受体共调控因子并获得许多突破性成果,已在国际核心期刊发表论文近70篇,包括Cell、Nature、Science等一流期刊,其研究论文他引达2000多次,并于2001年荣获美国内分泌学协会的优秀青年科学家奖。延伸阅读:华东师范大学博导连发两篇Molecular Cell文章



通过染色质免疫共沉淀(ChIP)实验,研究人员分析了印记基因差异性甲基化区域(DMRS)上的组蛋白修饰,表明在UHRF1基因重新表达后DNA甲基化得以修复的印迹基因,其活性组蛋白标记(尤其H3K4me3),被维持在相当低的水平,即使在UHRF1- / - ES细胞中。

相比之下,在UHRF1基因重新表达后其DNA甲基化无法修复的印记基因,其活性组蛋白标记(尤其H3K4me3)相对较高,在Uhrf1-/- ES细胞中甚至变得更高。因此,这些研究支持组蛋白修饰在确定印记相关DNA甲基化建立中的作用,并表明,小鼠ES细胞不仅对于基因组印记维持的机理研究,而且对于基因组印记的建立,都是一个非常有价值的模型。


Non-germline Restoration of Genomic Imprinting for a Small Subset of Imprinted Genes in Ubiquitin-like PHD and RING Finger Domain-Containing 1 (Uhrf1) Null Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Abstract: The underlying mechanism for the establishment and maintenance of differential DNA methylation in imprinted genes is largely unknown. Previous studies using Dnmt1 knockout ES cells demonstrated that, while re-expression of DNMT1 restored DNA methylation in the non-imprinted regions, the methylation patterns of imprinted genes could only be restored through germ-line passage. Knockout of Uhrf1, an accessory factor essential for DNMT1-mediated DNA methylation, in mouse ES cells also led to impaired global DNA methylation and loss of genomic imprinting. Here we demonstrated that, although re-expression of UHRF1 in Uhrf1-/- ES cells restored DNA methylation for the bulk genome but not for most of the imprinted genes, it did rescue DNA methylation for imprinted H19, Nnat and Dlk1 genes. Analysis of histone modifications at the differential methylated regions (DMRs) of the imprinting genes by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays revealed that for the imprinted genes whose DNA methylation could be restored upon re-expression of UHRF1, the active histone marks especially H3K4me3 were maintained at considerably low and maintained the low levels even in the Uhrf1-/- ES cells. In contrast, for the imprinted genes whose DNA methylation could not be restored upon UHRF1 re-expression, the active histone marks especially H3K4me3 were relatively high and became even higher in the Uhrf1-/- ES cells. Our study thus supports a role for histone modifications in determining the establishment of imprinting-related DNA methylation and demonstrates that mouse ES cells can be a valuable model for mechanistic study of establishment and maintenance of differential DNA methylation in imprinted genes.    

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