【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2015年03月27日 来源:生物通
最近,瑞士Friedrich Miescher生物医学研究所(FMI)的Marc Bühler及其研究团队,阐明了小RNA介导的基因沉默的根本机制,从而解开了十多年来一直困扰着学术界的一个谜团。他们的研究结果,发表三月二十五日出版的《Nature》杂志,有很大的潜力应用于各个研究领域。
生物通报道:最近,瑞士Friedrich Miescher生物医学研究所(FMI)的Marc Bühler及其研究团队,阐明了小RNA介导的基因沉默的根本机制,从而解开了十多年来一直困扰着学术界的一个谜团。他们的研究结果,发表三月二十五日出版的《Nature》杂志,有很大的潜力应用于各个研究领域。延伸阅读:NIBS何新建《Cell Research》解析基因沉默新机制。
早在2002年,有几个研究小组发现,小RNA分子可以关闭已经明确定义的基因组区域,这一发现被《Science》誉为当年年度突破。科学家们非常激动,因为他们现在似乎有一种工具,能让他们影响基因组,而不直接修改DNA。然而,随着时间的推移,科学家发现他们很难详细解释这背后的机制,最初的兴奋变成了沮丧。FMI组长Marc Bühler回忆道:“矛盾的数据,论文被撤回——我们未能获得任何进展。一段时间,我也想放弃查个水落石出的希望。”但是他们成功了。
为了获得这些结果,本文共同第一作者Katarzyna Kowalik和Yukiko Shimada(都是Bühler研究团队成员),使用了一种精细的酵母遗传筛选,近年来这种方法已被研究界所淡忘。Bühler解释说:“经过过去几年的挫折,我们返回到这种‘老’方法,并结合新一代全基因组测序技术。这是成功的秘诀所在。”
Paf1C是一种蛋白质,也存在于高等生物中,以一种几乎不同于酵母的形式。Bühler点评说: “很有趣的是,我们现在可以利用RNA分子,以一种序列特异性的方式诱导表观遗传基因的沉默,同样的蛋白质也存在于哺乳动物细胞中;这RNA为基础的疗法打开了新的途径。同时,一些众所周知的障碍仍有待克服。”
The Paf1 complex represses small-RNA-mediated epigenetic gene silencing
Abstract: RNA interference (RNAi) refers to the ability of exogenously introduced double-stranded RNA to silence expression of homologous sequences. Silencing is initiated when the enzyme Dicer processes the double-stranded RNA into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Small RNA molecules are incorporated into Argonaute-protein-containing effector complexes, which they guide to complementary targets to mediate different types of gene silencing, specifically post-transcriptional gene silencing and chromatin-dependent gene silencing1. Although endogenous small RNAs have crucial roles in chromatin-mediated processes across kingdoms, efforts to initiate chromatin modifications in trans by using siRNAs have been inherently difficult to achieve in all eukaryotic cells. Using fission yeast, here we show that RNAi-directed heterochromatin formation is negatively controlled by the highly conserved RNA polymerase-associated factor 1 complex (Paf1C). Temporary expression of a synthetic hairpin RNA in Paf1C mutants triggers stable heterochromatin formation at homologous loci, effectively silencing genes in trans. This repressed state is propagated across generations by the continual production of secondary siRNAs, independently of the synthetic hairpin RNA. Our data support a model in which Paf1C prevents targeting of nascent transcripts by the siRNA-containing RNA-induced transcriptional silencing complex and thereby epigenetic gene silencing, by promoting efficient transcription termination and rapid release of the RNA from the site of transcription. We show that although compromised transcription termination is sufficient to initiate the formation of bi-stable heterochromatin by trans-acting siRNAs, impairment of both transcription termination and nascent transcript release is imperative to confer stability to the repressed state. Our work uncovers a novel mechanism for small-RNA-mediated epigenome regulation and highlights fundamental roles for Paf1C and the RNAi machinery in building epigenetic memory.