
【字体: 时间:2015年03月03日 来源:生物通


  最近,在《Journal of Clinical Investigation》和《Development》杂志发表的两项研究中,研究人员首次成功地将成人多能干细胞转化为控制食欲的神经元类型,从而为体重控制的神经生理学研究及新的肥胖疗法测试,提供了一种患者特异性模型。


生物通报道:最近,研究人员首次成功地将成人多能干细胞转化为控制食欲的神经元类型,从而为体重控制的神经生理学研究及新的肥胖疗法测试,提供了一种患者特异性模型。这项研究由哥伦比亚大学医学中心(CUMC)和纽约干细胞基金会(NYSCF)的研究人员带领,发表在最近的《Journal of Clinical Investigation》杂志。延伸阅读:利用多能干细胞制备人肠道类器官

二月十日在《Development》杂志发表的另一项研究中,哈佛大学的Kevin Eggan博士、Florian Merkle和Alexander Schier,也成功地用iPS细胞制备了下丘脑神经元。这些神经元有助于调节人体的行为和基本生理功能,除了包括食欲之外,还包括高血压、睡眠、情绪和一些社会障碍。哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学的研究人员在研究的过程中就此结论达成共识,并共同验证了这些研究。

本文资深作者、CUMC Nanomi Berrie糖尿病中心主任、糖尿病研究教授Rudolph L. Leibel称:“小鼠是研究人类肥胖一个很好的模型,但最好有人体细胞用于测试。不幸的是,调节食欲的神经元位于大脑中一个难以接近的部位——下丘脑。所以,直到现在,我们研究这类细胞,不得不利用小鼠模型或者尸检获得的人类细胞。这大大限制了我们研究人类肥胖基本方面的能力。”

为了制备神经元,人体皮肤细胞被首先重编程为诱导多能干细胞(iPS)。就像天然干细胞一样,当给予一组特定顺序的的分子信号时,iPS细胞能够发展成任何类型的细胞。iPS细胞技术已被用来制备各种成人细胞类型,包括产生胰岛素的β细胞、前脑神经元和运动神经元。本文共同资深作者、NYSCF高级研究员、儿科助理教授Dieter Egli博士说:“但直到现在,也没有人能够将人类iPS细胞转换为下丘脑神经元。”

NYSCF首席执行官Susan L. Solomon说:“这是几个机构一起合作、促进新治疗干预措施研究的一个很好的例子。制备这类神经元的能力,可使我们更加接近于开发出新的肥胖疗法。”

CUMC/ NYSCF研究团队确定了iPS细胞变换成弓状下丘脑神经元(调节食欲的一个神经元亚型)细胞需要哪些信号。这个转换过程花了大约30天的时间。研究发现,这些神经元表现出小鼠弓状下丘脑神经元的关键功能特性,包括能够精确加工和分泌特定的神经肽,以及回应代谢信号(如胰岛素和瘦素)。




Differentiation of hypothalamic-like neurons from human pluripotent stem cells
Abstract: The hypothalamus is the central regulator of systemic energy homeostasis, and its dysfunction can result in extreme body weight alterations. Insights into the complex cellular physiology of this region are critical to the understanding of obesity pathogenesis; however, human hypothalamic cells are largely inaccessible for direct study. Here, we developed a protocol for efficient generation of hypothalamic neurons from human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained from patients with monogenetic forms of obesity. Combined early activation of sonic hedgehog signaling followed by timed NOTCH inhibition in human ESCs/iPSCs resulted in efficient conversion into hypothalamic NKX2.1+ precursors. Application of a NOTCH inhibitor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) further directed the cells into arcuate nucleus hypothalamic-like neurons that express hypothalamic neuron markers proopiomelanocortin (POMC), neuropeptide Y (NPY), agouti-related peptide (AGRP), somatostatin, and dopamine. These hypothalamic-like neurons accounted for over 90% of differentiated cells and exhibited transcriptional profiles defined by a hypothalamic-specific gene expression signature that lacked pituitary markers. Importantly, these cells displayed hypothalamic neuron characteristics, including production and secretion of neuropeptides and increased p-AKT and p-STAT3 in response to insulin and leptin. Our results suggest that these hypothalamic-like neurons have potential for further investigation of the neurophysiology of body weight regulation and evaluation of therapeutic targets for obesity.

Generation of neuropeptidergic hypothalamic neurons from human pluripotent stem cells
Abstract: Hypothalamic neurons orchestrate many essential physiological and behavioral processes via secreted neuropeptides, and are relevant to human diseases such as obesity, narcolepsy and infertility. We report the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into many of the major types of neuropeptidergic hypothalamic neurons, including those producing pro-opiolemelanocortin, agouti-related peptide, hypocretin/orexin, melanin-concentrating hormone, oxytocin, arginine vasopressin, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Hypothalamic neurons can be generated using a ‘self-patterning’ strategy that yields a broad array of cell types, or via a more reproducible directed differentiation approach. Stem cell-derived human hypothalamic neurons share characteristic morphological properties and gene expression patterns with their counterparts in vivo, and are able to integrate into the mouse brain. These neurons could form the basis of cellular models, chemical screens or cellular therapies to study and treat common human diseases.


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