
【字体: 时间:2015年01月12日 来源:生物通


  最近,来自中国农科院作物科学研究所和澳大利亚阿德雷德大学的研究人员合作进行的一项研究,在大豆中确定了一个特异性基因,对于大豆作物改良具有很大的潜力。因此我们有望培育出更好适应土壤盐化的大豆品种。相关研究结果发表在最近的《The Plant Journal》杂志。


生物通报道:最近,来自中国农科院作物科学研究所和澳大利亚阿德雷德大学的研究人员合作进行的一项研究,在大豆中确定了一个特异性基因,对于大豆作物改良具有很大的潜力。因此我们有望培育出更好适应土壤盐化的大豆品种。延伸阅读:华人学者《Plant Cell》发表大豆基因新成果

本项目首席研究员、阿德雷德大学副教授Matthew Gilliham说:“从种植面积和收获量的角度来说,大豆是世界第五大作物。但是许多经济作物对土壤盐化很敏感,这可能对作物产量造成重大损失。”


中国农科院作物科学研究所的邱丽娟(Lijuan Qiu)教授和关荣霞(Rongxia Guan)博士,对几百个大豆品种的遗传序列进行检测之后,确定了一个候选的耐盐基因。然后,阿德雷德大学Waite校区ARC植物生物能源卓越中心的研究人员,研究了这个基因的功能。





本研究得到了澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)的资助支持,相关研究结果以专题文章的形式发表在最近的《The Plant Journal》杂志。



Salinity tolerance in soybean is modulated by natural variation in GmSALT3
Summary: The identification of genes that improve the salt tolerance of crops is essential for the effective utilization of saline soils for agriculture. Here, we use fine mapping in a soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) population derived from the commercial cultivars Tiefeng 8 and 85–140 to identify GmSALT3 (salt tolerance-associated gene on chromosome 3), a dominant gene associated with limiting the accumulation of sodium ions (Na+) in shoots and a substantial enhancement in salt tolerance in soybean. GmSALT3 encodes a protein from the cation/H+ exchanger family that we localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and which is preferentially expressed in the salt-tolerant parent Tiefeng 8 within root cells associated with phloem and xylem. We identified in the salt-sensitive parent, 85–140, a 3.78-kb copia retrotransposon insertion in exon 3 of Gmsalt3 that truncates the transcript. By sequencing 31 soybean landraces and 22 wild soybean (Glycine soja) a total of nine haplotypes including two salt-tolerant haplotypes and seven salt-sensitive haplotypes were identified. By analysing the distribution of haplotypes among 172 Chinese soybean landraces and 57 wild soybean we found that haplotype 1 (H1, found in Tiefeng 8) was strongly associated with salt tolerance and is likely to be the ancestral allele. Alleles H2–H6, H8 and H9, which do not confer salinity tolerance, were acquired more recently. H1, unlike other alleles, has a wide geographical range including saline areas, which indicates it is maintained when required but its potent stress tolerance can be lost during natural selection and domestication. GmSALT3 is a gene associated with salt tolerance with great potential for soybean improvement.

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