Cancer Research:阿司匹林可减少乳腺癌复发

【字体: 时间:2014年08月19日 来源:生物通


  科学家们发现,体重超标或肥胖的乳腺癌患者服用普通消炎药(例如阿司匹林或布洛芬),能够显著降低乳腺癌的复发率。这一成果发表在八月十四日的Cancer Research杂志上。


生物通报道:科学家们发现,体重超标或肥胖的乳腺癌患者服用普通消炎药(例如阿司匹林或布洛芬),能够显著降低乳腺癌的复发率。这一成果发表在八月十四日的Cancer Research杂志上。


德克萨斯大学的肿瘤学家Andrew Brenner博士带领研究团队,对肥胖乳腺癌患者和体重正常乳腺癌患者的血样进行了检测。他们发现,与体重未超标的患者相比,肥胖患者的血液会增强癌细胞生长的侵袭性。

“肥胖乳腺癌患者的血液中前列腺素更多,而前列腺素在炎症中起到了一定的作用,” Dr. Brenner说。



“那些服用COX2抑制剂的患者,乳腺癌复发率更低,”Dr. Brenner 说。

ER阳性乳腺癌(应答雌激素)是最常见的一种乳腺癌,占到了乳腺癌诊断的75%。“与正常体重的女性相比,体重超标或肥胖的女性患上乳腺癌之后面临着更糟糕的预后,” 德克萨斯大学的癌症研究者Linda deGraffenried博士说。(延伸阅读:Nature子刊:同济研究员解析乳腺癌


“我们相信,肥胖女性的乳腺癌其实和正常人不同,这种疾病发生了分子水平上的改变。我们希望减少肥胖对乳腺癌的助推作用,”Dr. deGraffenried说。现在该研究团队已经启动了用抗炎症药物辅助治疗乳腺癌的临床试验。



NSAID Use Reduces Breast Cancer Recurrence in Overweight and Obese Women: Role of Prostaglandin–Aromatase Interactions

Obesity is associated with a worse breast cancer prognosis and elevated levels of inflammation, including greater cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and activity in adipose-infiltrating macrophages. The product of this enzyme, the proinflammatory eicosanoid prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), stimulates adipose tissue aromatase expression and subsequent estrogen production, which could promote breast cancer progression. This study demonstrates that daily use of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which inhibits COX-2 activity, is associated with reduced estrogen receptor α (ERα)–positive breast cancer recurrence in obese and overweight women. Retrospective review of data from ERα-positive patients with an average body mass index of >30 revealed that NSAID users had a 52% lower recurrence rate and a 28-month delay in time to recurrence. To examine the mechanisms that may be mediating this effect, we conducted in vitro studies that utilized sera from obese and normal-weight patients with breast cancer. Exposure to sera from obese patients stimulated greater macrophage COX-2 expression and PGE2 production. This was correlated with enhanced preadipocyte aromatase expression following incubation in conditioned media (CM) collected from the obese-patient, sera-exposed macrophages, an effect neutralized by COX-2 inhibition with celecoxib. In addition, CM from macrophage/preadipocyte cocultures exposed to sera from obese patients stimulated greater breast cancer cell ERα activity, proliferation, and migration compared with sera from normal-weight patients, and these differences were eliminated or reduced by the addition of an aromatase inhibitor during CM generation. Prospective studies designed to examine the clinical benefit of NSAID use in obese patients with breast cancer are warranted.

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