【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年07月22日 来源:生物通
最近,伦敦帝国理工学院的科学家和临床医生成功地使用一种新的、更安全的方法,来促进接受体外受精治疗女性的排卵。相关研究结果发表在2014年7月18日的《临床调查杂志》(Journal of Clinical Investigation)。
伦敦帝国理工学院的科学家和临床医生,在伦敦汉默史密斯医院的53名健康志愿者中,使用了这种新方法。这项研究是由英国医学研究委员会、英国国家健康研究所和威康信托基金会资助,相关研究结果发表在2014年7月18日的《临床调查杂志》(Journal of Clinical Investigation)。
在英国,6对夫妇里面就有1对经历不孕不育,在2011年有48,147名女性接受了体外受精(in vitro fertilization,IVF)治疗。
卵巢过度刺激综合征(Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,OHSS)轻度影响约三分之一的IVF患者,引起恶心、呕吐等症状。不到10%的患者出现中度或重度OHSS,这可导致肾衰竭。
帝国理工学院医学系的Waljit Dhillo教授带领了这项研究,他说:“OHSS是一个重大的医学问题,在严重的情况下它可能是致命的,它发生在接受IVF治疗的女性中,否则这些女性是很健康的。在IVF治疗过程中,我们真的需要能更有效促进卵子成熟的自然因子,本试验的结果是非常有前景的。”
Alison和Richard Harper在2013年1月参加了这项试验,10月份他们生了一个男婴Owen。Alison说:“我们之所以参与这项试验,是因为我们想回报那些使我们通过IVF拥有孩子的研究人员。以前,我曾经接受过几次体外受精,但是这一次是最舒服的,痛苦较少,我觉得不那么肿胀。我们都觉得难以置信。”
Kisspeptin-54 triggers egg maturation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization
BACKGROUND. Patients with mutations that inactivate kisspeptin signaling are infertile. Kisspeptin-54, the major circulating isoform of kisspeptin in humans, potently stimulates reproductive hormone secretion in humans. Animal studies suggest that kisspeptin is involved in generation of the luteinizing hormone surge, which is required for ovulation; therefore, we hypothesized that kisspeptin-54 could be used to trigger egg maturation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization therapy.
METHODS. Following superovulation with recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone and administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist to prevent premature ovulation, 53 women were administered a single subcutaneous injection of kisspeptin-54 (1.6 nmol/kg, n = 2; 3.2 nmol/kg, n = 3; 6.4 nmol/kg, n = 24; 12.8 nmol/kg, n = 24) to induce a luteinizing hormone surge and egg maturation. Eggs were retrieved transvaginally 36 hours after kisspeptin injection, assessed for maturation (primary outcome), and fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection with subsequent transfer of one or two embryos.
RESULTS. Egg maturation was observed in response to each tested dose of kisspeptin-54, and the mean number of mature eggs per patient generally increased in a dose-dependent manner. Fertilization of eggs and transfer of embryos to the uterus occurred in 92% (49/53) of kisspeptin-54–treated patients. Biochemical and clinical pregnancy rates were 40% (21/53) and 23% (12/53), respectively.
CONCLUSION. This study demonstrates that a single injection of kisspeptin-54 can induce egg maturation in women with subfertility undergoing in vitro fertilization therapy. Subsequent fertilization of eggs matured following kisspeptin-54 administration and transfer of resulting embryos can lead to successful human pregnancy.