【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年05月15日 来源:生物通
目前,密苏里大学的研究人员完成了一种称为脯氨酸利用蛋白A (PutA)的酶的3D结构图。这种酶的3D结构图将使研究人员更好地了解它的功能,从而有助于药物制造商研制出更有效的药物。相关研究结果发表在最近的《PNAS》杂志。
生物通报道:人体内充满了称为酶的蛋白质,它们可帮助体内几乎所有的功能。数十年以来,为了了解酶如何发挥作用,以及如何为许多疾病研制更好的药物和治疗方法,科学家们一直都在研究酶。目前,密苏里大学的研究人员完成了一种称为脯氨酸利用蛋白A (PutA)的酶的3D结构图。PutA通过将氧添加到分子中,可促进代谢。密苏里大学生物化学系的John Tanner教授称,这种酶的3D结构图将使研究人员更好地了解它的功能,从而有助于药物制造商研制出更有效的药物。相关研究结果发表在最近的《PNAS》杂志。
Tanner称:“PutA实际上是两种酶融合在一起,使它的加工处理更加有效。现在,了解了PutA的构造之后,我们就能正确地研究它是如何发挥作用的。一些危险的细菌,如幽门螺杆菌(h. pylori,可感染胃组织)可利用PutA酶来生长。发现这种酶的结构,将为这种蛋白质如何发挥作用,提供有价值的见解,也为设计抑制或增加某种蛋白质功能的药物提供了蓝图,这将使这些药物更加的有效。”
Tanner通过利用一个称为蛋白质晶体学(protein crystallography)的过程,完成了这项研究。这个过程涉及到,由PutA酶组成的生长微观晶体。然后,Tanner将蛋白质晶体运到加利福尼亚伯克利,在那里它们被暴露于一种称为“beamline”的高能X射线中。Beamline装置在世界上只有五台,有足球场那么大。
Tanner称:“没有MBC beamline,这整个项目就不可能完成。我们校园唯一的X射线装置的能力只是beamline的一小部分,没有这样一种高能X射线装置,我们就不可能完成这项复杂的测绘项目。”
Structures of the PutA peripheral membrane flavoenzyme reveal a dynamic substrate-channeling tunnel and the quinone-binding site
Abstract:Proline utilization A (PutA) proteins are bifunctional peripheral membrane flavoenzymes that catalyze the oxidation of l-proline to l-glutamate by the sequential activities of proline dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase domains. Located at the inner membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, PutAs play a major role in energy metabolism by coupling the oxidation of proline imported from the environment to the reduction of membrane-associated quinones. Here, we report seven crystal structures of the 1,004-residue PutA from Geobacter sulfurreducens, along with determination of the protein oligomeric state by small-angle X-ray scattering and kinetic characterization of substrate channeling and quinone reduction. The structures reveal an elaborate and dynamic tunnel system featuring a 75-Å-long tunnel that links the two active sites and six smaller tunnels that connect the main tunnel to the bulk medium. The locations of these tunnels and their responses to ligand binding and flavin reduction suggest hypotheses about how proline, water, and quinones enter the tunnel system and where l-glutamate exits. Kinetic measurements show that glutamate production from proline occurs without a lag phase, consistent with substrate channeling and implying that the observed tunnel is functionally relevant. Furthermore, the structure of reduced PutA complexed with menadione bisulfite reveals the elusive quinone-binding site. The benzoquinone binds within 4.0 Å of the flavin si face, consistent with direct electron transfer. The location of the quinone site implies that the concave surface of the PutA dimer approaches the membrane. Altogether, these results provide insight into how PutAs couple proline oxidation to quinone reduction.