《PLOS ONE》:“燕尾状”核磁共振影像用于帕金森病诊断

【字体: 时间:2014年05月04日 来源:生物通


  目前,研究人员将一种类似燕子尾巴形状的图像,确定为帕金森病的一个新型准确的检测。利用今天临床设置中的标准设备——3T核磁共振成像(MRI)扫描技术可以挑选出这种图像,该图像描绘了人脑次区域中一组细胞的健康状态。相关研究结果发表在最近的《PLOS ONE》杂志。



这项研究是由诺丁汉大学医学院神经影像学专家Stefan Schwarz博士和Dorothee Auer教授带领,与诺丁汉大学医院国家医疗服务基金会运动障碍专家Nin Bajaj博士合作,在皇后医疗中心完成。这项工作是建立在与诺丁汉大学Sir Peter Mansfield 磁共振中心的Penny Gowland教授的成功合作基础之上。相关研究结果发表在最近的《PLOS ONE》杂志。

2013年,研究人员发现了一种新的帕金森病生物指标,称为Nigrosome,其不仅可用于诊断病情,同时也无形中追踪病情的发展。“The ‘Swallow Tail’ Appearance of the Healthy Nigrosome – A New Accurate Test of Parkinson’s Disease: A Case-Control and Retrospective Cross-Sectional MRI Study at 3T”描述了这种成像标志的缺席如何可以帮助诊断帕金森病。



利用高分辨率的超高场7T磁共振成像,诺丁汉研究小组已经找到了帕金森病的病理特点,在中脑一个小区域(黑质体substantia nigra)的结构变化。最新的研究表明,利用全国各地医院都有的3T磁共振成像技术也能检测这些变化。随后,他们创造了短语“燕尾状外观”作为健康黑质体的一种易于识别的标志,而黑质体在帕金森病中是缺失的。研究人员回顾了总共114个高分辨率扫描,在94%的例子中,利用这种技术能够做出精确诊断。




The ‘Swallow Tail’ Appearance of the Healthy Nigrosome – A New Accurate Test of Parkinson's Disease: A Case-Control and Retrospective Cross-Sectional MRI Study at 3T
Abstract: There is no well-established in vivo marker of nigral degeneration in Parkinson's disease (PD). An ideal imaging marker would directly mirror the loss of substantia nigra dopaminergic neurones, which is most prominent in sub-regions called nigrosomes. High-resolution, iron-sensitive, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 7T allows direct nigrosome-1 visualisation in healthy people but not in PD. Here, we investigated the feasibility of nigrosome-1 detection using 3T - susceptibility-weighted (SWI) MRI and the diagnostic accuracy that can be achieved for diagnosing PD in a clinical population. 114 high-resolution 3T – SWI-scans were reviewed consisting of a prospective case-control study in 19 subjects (10 PD, 9 controls) and a retrospective cross-sectional study in 95 consecutive patients undergoing routine clinical SWI-scans (>50 years, 9 PD, 81 non-PD, 5 non-diagnostic studies excluded). Two raters independently classified subjects into PD and non-PD according to absence or presence of nigrosome-1, followed by consensus reading. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed against clinical diagnosis as gold standard. Absolute inter- and intra-rater agreement was ≥94% (kappa≥0.82, p<0.001). In the prospective study 8/9 control and 8/10 PD; and in the retrospective study 77/81 non-PD and all 9 PD subjects were correctly classified. Diagnostic accuracy of the retrospective cohort was: sensitivity 100%, specificity 95%, NPV 1, PPV 0.69 and accuracy 96% which dropped to 91% when including non-diagnostic scans (‘intent to diagnose’). The healthy nigrosome-1 can be readily depicted on high-resolution 3T - SWI giving rise to a ‘swallow tail’ appearance of the dorsolateral substantia nigra, and this feature is lost in PD. Visual radiological assessment yielded a high diagnostic accuracy for PD vs. an unselected clinical control population. Assessing the substantia nigra on SWI for the typical ‘swallow tail’ appearance has potential to become a new and easy applicable 3T MRI diagnostic tool for nigral degeneration in PD.


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