J. Neurosci连发两篇中科院学者研究新成果

【字体: 时间:2014年04月17日 来源:生物通


  《神经学杂志》(Journal of Neuroscience)影响因子7.12,是神经科学会旗下的神经科学研究领域的高水平杂志。近期中科院动物研究所以及生物物理所的两个研究组分别在此刊物上发表文章,解析了神经干细胞调控,以及脑神经活动方面的新成果。

  生物通报道:《神经学杂志》(Journal of Neuroscience)影响因子7.12,是神经科学会旗下的神经科学研究领域的高水平杂志。近期中科院动物研究所以及生物物理所的两个研究组分别在此刊物上发表文章,解析了神经干细胞调控,以及脑神经活动方面的新成果。







这项研究采用高时间分辨率方式来研究注意行为的动态时间组织过程,发现:(1)经典的空间注意行为表现在这个动态过程的低频段上;(2)空间注意行为包含大量动态振荡成分(包括10Hz alpha 频段等);(3)空间注意行为的很多动态特性都和以往电生理记录中的动态振荡特征一致(例如低频段和高频段的耦合等)。

这一发现的意义在于:(1)表明传统认知行为测量的只是“冰山一角”,反映的只是慢的变化成分,而认知行为实际是包含大量动态特征可能直接反映神经活动;(2)提出了一种多物体表征的神经机制:两个空间位置是由~10Hz alpha 脉冲的振荡方式在时间上交替采样的,反映了一种基于时间组织(神经振荡)的空间组织(多空间位置同时表征)的神经机制。  


Behavioral Oscillations in Attention: Rhythmic α Pulses Mediated through θ Band

Neuronal oscillations are ubiquitous in the brain and contribute to perception and attention. However, most associated evidence derives from post hoc correlations between brain dynamics and behavior. Although a few recent studies demonstrate rhythms in behavior, it remains largely unknown whether behavioral performances manifest spectrotemporal dynamics in a neurophysiologically relevant manner (e.g., the temporal modulation of ongoing oscillations, the cross-frequency coupling). To investigate the issue, we examined fine spectrotemporal dynamics of behavioral time courses in a large sample of human participants (n = 49), by taking a high time-resolved psychophysical measurement in a precuing attentional task. We observed compelling dynamic oscillatory patterns directly in behavior. First, typical attentional effects are demonstrated in low-pass (0–2 Hz) filtered time courses of behavioral responses. Second, an uninformative peripheral cue elicits recurring α-band (8–20 Hz) pulses in behavioral performances, and the elicited α pulses for cued and uncued conditions are in a temporally alternating relationship. Finally, ongoing α-band power is phase locked to ongoing θ-bands (3–5 Hz) in behavioral time courses. Our findings constitute manifestation of oscillations at physiologically relevant rhythms and power-phase locking, as widely observed in neurophysiological recordings, in behavior. The findings suggest that behavioral performance actually consists of rich dynamic information and may reflect underlying neuronal oscillatory substrates. Our data also speak to a neural mechanism for item attention based on successive cycles (θ) of a sequential attentional sampling (α) process.

Ezh2 Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Memory

Adult neurogenesis is thought to be crucial for preserving cognitive functions, which is tightly controlled by various epigenetic regulators. As the methyltransferase of histone H3K27, the role of Ezh2 in neurogenesis of adult mice and its mechanism of action are largely unknown. Here, we show that Ezh2 is expressed in actively dividing neural stem cells (NSCs)/progenitor cells as well as mature neurons, but not in quiescent NSCs in the subgranular zone. The deletion of Ezh2 in NSCs/progenitor cells results in a reduction in progenitor cell proliferation. Furthermore, we found that Ezh2 regulates progenitor cell proliferation by suppressing Pten expression and promoting the activation of Akt-mTOR. Moreover, the loss of Ezh2 in progenitor cells leads to a decrease in the number of neurons, which was observed by long-term tracing. Strikingly, conditional knockout of Ezh2 ultimately results in impairments in spatial learning and memory, contextual fear memory, and pattern separation. Our findings demonstrate the essential role of Ezh2 in the proliferation of progenitor cells, thus providing insight into the molecular mechanisms of adult neurogenesis in preserving cognitive functions.

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