东北林大《Plant cell》报道木质素研究新发现
【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年03月13日 来源:生物通
在2014年3月11日《The Plant Cell》杂志发表的两篇论文中,东北林业大学、北卡罗拉纳州立大学、山东农业大学和台湾国立中兴大学的研究人员,利用美国黑杨木质素形成的综合性定量研究,为植物性状研究提供了一种循序渐进的方法。
生物通报道:在2014年3月11日《The Plant Cell》杂志发表的两篇论文中,东北林业大学、北卡罗拉纳州立大学、山东农业大学和台湾国立中兴大学的研究人员,利用美国黑杨木质素形成的综合性定量研究,为植物性状研究提供了一种循序渐进的方法。这项研究工作,对于未来植物科学家理解植物如何适应环境,提高植物生产力和生物燃料潜力,起到了相当于GPS导航的作用。
这两篇论文的通讯作者是东北林业大学林木遗传育种国家重点实验室的客座教授姜立泉(Vincent L. Chiang)。姜立泉教授还是北卡州立大学教授、国际木材科学学院院士,长期从事木质素、纤维素和半纤维素的生物合成化学、生物化学以及分子生物学研究,取得了一些重大突破,在PNAS等期刊发表多篇学术论文。本文的合作者还有李全梓博士,其2002年博士毕业于山东农业大学,2005年至今在北卡州立大学从事木质素代谢及调控的相关工作。
这项研究的指导者、北卡州立大学Forest Biotechnology Group的共同负责人姜教授指出:“我把这些研究结果描述为植物科学家们的MapQuest(地图网站)。例如,系统生物学方法可以应用于研究,开发出更甜的柑橘类水果、抗病水稻或耐旱树木。”
经过多年的潜心研究,姜教授领导的跨学科研究小组纯化了21种途径酶,分析了189种与木质素形成有关的不同参数。在工程学合作者Cranos Williams和Joel Ducoste的帮助下,研究小组开发了预测途径酶如何影响木质素含量和组分的模型。其中一种酶构成一种新的四部分结构,这是这项研究结果的一部分,其它结果还包括化学家David Muddiman完成的所有21种酶的定量。
北卡州立大学Forest Biotechnology Group的共同负责人Ronald Sederoff表示:“这种模型,以这个过程中每一步的一组全面方程式为基础,目前可以预测木质素数量和组分的变化,以及为什么很难在植物中改变木质素。”
1、 Complete Proteomic-Based Enzyme Reaction and Inhibition Kinetics Reveal How
Monolignol Biosynthetic Enzyme Families Affect Metabolic Flux and Lignin in Populus trichocarpa
Abstract: We established a predictive kinetic metabolic-flux model for the 21 enzymes and 24 metabolites of the monolignol biosynthetic pathway using Populus trichocarpa secondary differentiating xylem. To establish this model, a comprehensive study was performed to obtain the reaction and inhibition kinetic parameters of all 21 enzymes based on functional recombinant proteins. A total of 104 Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters and 85 inhibition kinetic parameters were derived from these enzymes. Through mass spectrometry, we obtained the absolute quantities of all 21 pathway enzymes in the secondary differentiating xylem. This extensive experimental data set, generated from a single tissue specialized in wood formation, was used to construct the predictive kinetic metabolic-flux model to provide a comprehensive mathematical description of the monolignol biosynthetic pathway. The model was validated using experimental data from transgenic P. trichocarpa plants. The model predicts how pathway enzymes affect lignin content and composition, explains a long-standing paradox regarding the regulation of monolignol subunit rations in lignin, and reveals novel mechanisms involved in the regulation of lignin biosynthesis. This model provides an explanation of the effects of genetic and transgenic perturbations of the monolignol biosynthetic pathway in flowering plants.
2、Systems Biology of Lignin Biosynthesis in Populus trichocarpa: Heteromeric 4-Coumaric Acid: Coenzyme A Ligase Protein Complex Formation , Regulation, and Numerical Modeling
Abstract: As a step toward predictive modeling of flux through the pathway of monolignol biosynthesis in stem differentiating xylem of Populus trichocarpa, we discovered that the two 4-coumaric acid:CoA ligase (4CL) isoforms, 4CL3 and 4CL5, interact in vivo and in vitro to form a heterotetrameric protein complex. This conclusion is based on laser microdissection, coimmunoprecipitation, chemical cross-linking, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, and mass spectrometry. The tetramer is composed of three subunits of 4CL3 and one of 4CL5. 4CL5 appears to have a regulatory role. This protein-protein interaction affects the direction and rate of metabolic flux for monolignol biosynthesis in P. trichocarpa. A mathematical model was developed for the behavior of 4CL3 and 4CL5 individually and in mixtures that form the enzyme complex. The model incorporates effects of mixtures of multiple hydroxycinnamic acid substrates, competitive inhibition, uncompetitive inhibition, and self-inhibition, along with characteristic of the substrates, the enzyme isoforms, and the tetrameric complex. Kinetic analysis of different ratios of the enzyme isoforms shows both inhibition and activation components, which are explained by the mathematical model and provide insight into the regulation of metabolic flux for monolignol biosynthesis by protein complex formation.