
【字体: 时间:2014年12月08日 来源:生物通





尽管研究人员努力让患者与基因相似的捐赠者相匹配,但是预测一名干细胞移植受者是否将会发展有可能致命的移植物抗宿主病(GVHD,当供体的免疫系统攻击受体的身体时会发生这种情况),仍然是几乎不可能的。最近在《Frontiers in Immunology》杂志发表的两项研究,探讨了9对供-受者(DRPs)全外显子测序所获得的数据,发现预测哪些患者发展GVHD的风险最高,是有可行的,因此,将来定制免疫抑制疗法可能会改善临床预后结果。这一数据提供证据表明,在干细胞移植之后患者免疫系统的自身重建,这种方式代表着一种动态系统,在这个系统中,目前的状态决定着随后将会出现的状态。

梅西癌症中心疗法研究发展项目成员、VCU医学院血液、肿瘤和姑息治疗部门副教授Amir Toor博士称:“免疫系统似乎是混乱的,但那是因为有太多的变数参与进来。我们证明存在一种潜在的秩序。使用新一代DNA测序技术,我们有可能解释许多的分子变量,最终它们可确定一名供体的免疫系统将如何更好地移植到患者体内。”


具体地说,Toor及其同事使用全外显子组测序(whole exome sequencing),来检测移植DRPs的次要组织相容性抗原(mHA)的变化。这些mHA是存在于HLA分子上的蛋白质片段,HLA是细胞表面的受体,细胞内降解的这些蛋白质片段与它们结合,以便促进免疫反应。研究人员采用先进的计算机分析,检测了mHA和HLA之间的潜在相互作用,发现在HLA相匹配的DRPs中有高水平的mHA变化,这可能会引发GVHD。这些发现可能有助于解释为什么许多HLA匹配的受者也会患上GVHD,但是为什么一些HLA错配的受者从未出现GVHD,仍然还是一个谜。这种表面上的悖论,在《Frontiers in Immunology》发表的另一篇论文中得以解释。在这篇文章中,研究小组认为,在干细胞移植后的最早几周,使用免疫抑制疗法抑制肽的产生,到供体T细胞的抗原呈递可能被减弱,因此当受者重建他们的T细胞时,GVHD风险就会降低。







Stem cell transplantation as a dynamical system: are clinical outcomes deterministic?
Abstract: Outcomes in stem cell transplantation (SCT) are modeled using probability theory. However, the clinical course following SCT appears to demonstrate many characteristics of dynamical systems, especially when outcomes are considered in the context of immune reconstitution. Dynamical systems tend to evolve over time according to mathematically determined rules. Characteristically, the future states of the system are predicated on the states preceding them, and there is sensitivity to initial conditions. In SCT, the interaction between donor T cells and the recipient may be considered as such a system in which, graft source, conditioning, and early immunosuppression profoundly influence immune reconstitution over time. This eventually determines clinical outcomes, either the emergence of tolerance or the development of graft versus host disease. In this paper, parallels between SCT and dynamical systems are explored and a conceptual framework for developing mathematical models to understand disparate transplant outcomes is proposed.

In silico derivation of HLA-specific alloreactivity potential from whole exome sequencing of stem-cell transplant donors and recipients: understanding the quantitative immunobiology of allogeneic transplantation
Abstract: Donor T-cell mediated graft versus host (GVH) effects may result from the aggregate alloreactivity to minor histocompatibility antigens (mHA) presented by the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules in each donor–recipient pair undergoing stem-cell transplantation (SCT). Whole exome sequencing has previously demonstrated a large number of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) present in HLA-matched recipients of SCT donors (GVH direction). The nucleotide sequence flanking each of these SNPs was obtained and the amino acid sequence determined. All the possible nonameric peptides incorporating the variant amino acid resulting from these SNPs were interrogated in silico for their likelihood to be presented by the HLA class I molecules using the Immune Epitope Database stabilized matrix method (SMM) and NetMHCpan algorithms. The SMM algorithm predicted that a median of 18,396 peptides weakly bound HLA class I molecules in individual SCT recipients, and 2,254 peptides displayed strong binding. A similar library of presented peptides was identified when the data were interrogated using the NetMHCpan algorithm. The bioinformatic algorithm presented here demonstrates that there may be a high level of mHA variation in HLA-matched individuals, constituting a HLA-specific alloreactivity potential.


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