Nucl Aci Res:简化RNA结构分析的新方法
【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年11月04日 来源:生物通
最近,意大利的里雅斯特国际高级研究学校(SISSA)的一个科学家小组,根据RNA分子的几何结构,设计了一种简单而通用的方法,据证明,这种方法非常有望用于分析和理解表征这些分子的复杂相互作用。相关研究结果发表在国际核酸研究权威期刊《Nucleic Acid Research》。
就像DNA一样,RNA是由核苷酸组成的一个长链,是包含核酸碱基(编码这些分子所含信息的“字母”)的构建模块。SISSA教授Giovanni Bussi解释说:“利用标准的实验技术发现一个RNA分子的核苷酸序列,相对比较简单。更困难的是,发现分子的形状,但是,如果我们想了解它的功能,这往往是很关键的。”
相关研究结果发表在国际核酸研究权威期刊《Nucleic Acid Research》,本文第一作者、SISSA的Sandro Bottaro评论说:“我们对这种方法进行了一系列的试验。例如,我们构建了一种记分函数。在实践中,必须比较不同的RNA结构的可能预测,记分函数对每种预测提供了一种精度测量。根据应用领域不同,有许多方法可以做到这一点。我们评估了我们方法的可靠性,发现它在某些情况下表现得一样好,甚至比传统方法更好,然而,传统方法要复杂得多。”
这意味着,除了比常规方法更简单以外,这种方法还更通用,因为它能应用于各种各样范围的问题。除了Bussi和Bottaro以外,SISSA的学生Francesco di Palma也参与了这项研究。
Abstract: The intricate network of interactions observed in RNA three-dimensional structures is often described in terms of a multitude of geometrical properties, including helical parameters, base pairing/stacking, hydrogen bonding and backbone conformation. We show that a simple molecular representation consisting in one oriented bead per nucleotide can account for the fundamental structural properties of RNA. In this framework, canonical Watson-Crick, non-Watson-Crick base-pairing and base-stacking interactions can be unambiguously identified within a well-defined interaction shell. We validate this representation by performing two independent, complementary tests. First, we use it to construct a sequence-independent, knowledge-based scoring function for RNA structural prediction, which compares favorably to fully atomistic, state-of-the-art techniques. Second, we define a metric to measure deviation between RNA structures that directly reports on the differences in the base–base interaction network. The effectiveness of this metric is tested with respect to the ability to discriminate between structurally and kinetically distant RNA conformations, performing better compared to standard techniques. Taken together, our results suggest that this minimalist, nucleobase-centric representation captures the main interactions that are relevant for describing RNA structure and dynamics.