青年华人学者连发两篇Cell 解析基因网络
【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年10月27日 来源:生物通
早年毕业于北京大学的尹鹏(Peng Yin)教授现就任哈佛大学Wyss研究院助理教授,主要从事分子工程,生物学与信息科学等方面的研究,曾荣获2010年美国NIH院长创新奖。近期其研究组接连在Cell杂志上发表文章,聚焦合成生物学基因网络设计。
生物通报道:早年毕业于北京大学的尹鹏(Peng Yin)教授现就任哈佛大学Wyss研究院助理教授,主要从事分子工程,生物学与信息科学等方面的研究,曾荣获2010年美国NIH院长创新奖。近期其研究组接连在Cell杂志上发表文章,聚焦合成生物学基因网络设计。
要想构建一个“随心所欲”的活细胞并不容易,首先需要了解细胞的各种调控元件和相关动态分子机制,由此设计出自己所需的构成元件。在第一篇文章“Toehold Switches: De-Novo-Designed Regulators of Gene Expression”中,尹鹏等人就报道了一种从头设计(de-novo-designed)的原核细胞调控因子:riboregulators,研究人员将其称为支点开关(toehold switches,生物通译)。
由此研究人员利用toehold switches单独调控了12种基因,构建出了一个遗传环路,这表明这种新设计元件能作为一种通用的强大翻译调控平台,用于分子生物学、合成生物学和生物技术中。
文章的另外一位作者,来自波士顿大学的James J. Collins教授是合成生物学的前沿科学家之一,这些科学家希望能创造出人工的生物体。合成生物学还是处于萌芽阶段的学科,许多优秀的青年科学家用证明概念性的实验相互称奇并且发表充斥着整页的数学公式的研究论文。而Collins是创造出由合成生物学发展的先进商业化技术的第一人。更进一步,他证明合成生物学已经为市场做好了准备,这远远快于其他人的预期。
Toehold Switches: De-Novo-Designed Regulators of Gene Expression
Efforts to construct synthetic networks in living cells have been hindered by the limited number of regulatory components that provide wide dynamic range and low crosstalk. Here, we report a class of de-novo-designed prokaryotic riboregulators called toehold switches that activate gene expression in response to cognate RNAs with arbitrary sequences. Toehold switches provide a high level of orthogonality and can be forward engineered to provide average dynamic range above 400. We show that switches can be integrated into the genome to regulate endogenous genes and use them as sensors that respond to endogenous RNAs. We exploit the orthogonality of toehold switches to regulate 12 genes independently and to construct a genetic circuit that evaluates 4-input AND logic. Toehold switches, with their wide dynamic range, orthogonality, and programmability, represent a versatile and powerful platform for regulation of translation, offering diverse applications in molecular biology, synthetic biology, and biotechnology.
Paper-Based Synthetic Gene Networks
Synthetic gene networks have wide-ranging uses in reprogramming and rewiring organisms. To date, there has not been a way to harness the vast potential of these networks beyond the constraints of a laboratory or in vivo environment. Here, we present an in vitro paper-based platform that provides an alternate, versatile venue for synthetic biologists to operate and a much-needed medium for the safe deployment of engineered gene circuits beyond the lab. Commercially available cell-free systems are freeze dried onto paper, enabling the inexpensive, sterile, and abiotic distribution of synthetic-biology-based technologies for the clinic, global health, industry, research, and education. For field use, we create circuits with colorimetric outputs for detection by eye and fabricate a low-cost, electronic optical interface. We demonstrate this technology with small-molecule and RNA actuation of genetic switches, rapid prototyping of complex gene circuits, and programmable in vitro diagnostics, including glucose sensors and strain-specific Ebola virus sensors.