【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年01月17日 来源:生物通
无脉络膜症,是由CHM基因突变引起的X染色体隐性遗传病。在2014年1月16日的《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志上发表的一项研究中,研究人员采用一种新的基因治疗方法,使这种疾病患者的视力得以恢复。这项技术,利用单次注射,将眼部的一个有缺陷基因,替换为这个基因的正常工作拷贝。
无脉络膜症(choroideremia),又称全脉络膜血管萎缩、进行性脉络膜萎缩、进行性毯层脉络膜萎缩。由Mauthner于1872年首次报道,最初从眼底的表现观察到与原发性视网膜变性有所不同,认为是脉络膜的缺失。经过长期观察发现,脉络膜与色素上皮并不是先天性发育不良而是后天进行性消失,故又称为进行性RPE(视网膜上皮色素细胞,retinal pigment epithelium)营养不良性变性或进行性RPE脉络膜变性,但习惯上仍多沿用无脉络膜症。其特点是双眼进行性发病,自幼夜盲,弥漫性全层脉络膜毛细血管及RPE萎缩,最后脉络膜完全消失。本病为X染色体隐性遗传病,由CHM基因的突变引起,这个基因编码Rab护卫蛋白1(REP1)。
这项I期试验的研究结果,发表在2014年1月16日的《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志上,支持在更常见遗传因素造成的失明(包括老年退行性疾病如黄斑变性,和遗传缺陷如色素性视网膜炎)中,进一步开发这种最先进的治疗方法。
无脉络膜症,每50,000个人中有一个人会受到这种疾病的影响。由于脉络膜、视网膜色素上皮细胞和视网膜的退化,这种疾病能够引起视力的逐渐丧失。对于无脉络膜症,还没有很好的治疗方法,最终感光细胞(photoreceptor cells,视网膜中的视杆细胞和视锥细胞,会通过给大脑的视觉处理区域发送信号,对光做出响应)也会退化,从而导致中年期的完全失明。
这项研究由英国牛津大学的Robert E MacLaren教授带领,他解释道:“这种疾病中的细胞退化是相当缓慢的,这就为我们提供了一个相当大的时间窗口,能够在视觉丧失发作之前,进行干预。”
MacLaren及其同事们,在35-63岁之间、处于无脉络膜症不同阶段的6位患者中,评估了基因疗法对视网膜和视功能的治疗效果。他们将一个载体——一种经基因方法改造的腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV),注入患者视网膜,将这个基因的矫正版本,传递到眼部的适当部位,从而终止感光细胞的死亡。
约翰霍普金斯大学的Hendrik Scholl和法国de la Vision研究所的José Sahel在一篇相关评论中写道:“在无脉络膜症中,基因治疗的最终目的是,使视网膜免遭进一步的退化。这项新研究的短期随访,还不能得出有关长期预防退化的任何结论;的确,形态学评估结果表明,退化是相当连续的。是否靶定REP1的基因治疗将会对光感受器退化的进展产生影响,还有待进一步确定。即使疗效只是轻微的,都可能具有重要的积极影响,因为有靶定光感受器的额外治疗途径,能够帮助挽救或恢复视觉功能。”(生物通:王英)
Retinal gene therapy in patients with choroideremia: initial findings from a phase 1/2 clinical trial
Background: Choroideremia is an X-linked recessive disease that leads to blindness due to mutations in the CHM gene, which encodes the Rab escort protein 1 (REP1). We assessed the effects of retinal gene therapy with an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector encoding REP1 (AAV.REP1) in patients with this disease.
Methods: In a multicentre clinical trial, six male patients (aged 35—63 years) with choroideremia were administered AAV.REP1 (0·6—1·0×1010 genome particles, subfoveal injection). Visual function tests included best corrected visual acuity, microperimetry, and retinal sensitivity tests for comparison of baseline values with 6 months after surgery. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01461213.
Findings: Despite undergoing retinal detachment, which normally reduces vision, two patients with advanced choroideremia who had low baseline best corrected visual acuity gained 21 letters and 11 letters (more than two and four lines of vision). Four other patients with near normal best corrected visual acuity at baseline recovered to within one to three letters. Mean gain in visual acuity overall was 3·8 letters (SE 4·1). Maximal sensitivity measured with dark-adapted microperimetry increased in the treated eyes from 23·0 dB (SE 1·1) at baseline to 25·3 dB (1·3) after treatment (increase 2·3 dB [95% CI 0·8—3·8]). In all patients, over the 6 months, the increase in retinal sensitivity in the treated eyes (mean 1·7 [SE 1·0]) was correlated with the vector dose administered per mm2 of surviving retina (r=0·82, p=0·04). By contrast, small non-significant reductions (p>0·05) were noted in the control eyes in both maximal sensitivity (—0·8 dB [1·5]) and mean sensitivity (—1·6 dB [0·9]). One patient in whom the vector was not administered to the fovea re-established variable eccentric fixation that included the ectopic island of surviving retinal pigment epithelium that had been exposed to vector.
Interpretation: The initial results of this retinal gene therapy trial are consistent with improved rod and cone function that overcome any negative effects of retinal detachment. These findings lend support to further assessment of gene therapy in the treatment of choroideremia and other diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, for which intervention should ideally be applied before the onset of retinal thinning.