【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2013年03月18日 来源:生物通
生物通报道 HeLa细胞是人类生物学中最广泛应用的一种细胞系。从1952年至今,HeLa细胞促成了超过6万篇论文,其中涉及脊髓灰质炎疫苗的研发,和导致两项诺贝尔奖的研究。然而我们对于这些细胞到底有多了解呢?
在发表于近日G3(Genes, Genomes, and Genetics)杂志上的一篇论文中,研究人员分析了第一个完整的HeLa细胞基因组序列,证实HeLa细胞中基因复制和染色体重排混乱地组合。在HeLa细胞基因组中,染色体被打碎,然后随意地重新拼凑在一起,每个基因有5个以上的拷贝,异常的基因表达信号与正常人类组织存在显著的差异。研究人员认为,这些研究结果将对如何在实验室使用HeLa细胞产生深远的影响。
科学家们早就知道,快速分裂的、顽强的HeLa细胞并不正常,“但是没有人曾对这一基因组测序,在核苷酸分辨率下弄清楚这一基因组中重排发生的位置。我真的对这些细胞的异常情况感到惊讶,”该项目的领导者、德国欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL)的Lars Steinmetz说。
尽管这种细胞被广泛应用,以往从未对HeLa细胞基因组进行过测序。现在,测序成本的下降使得完成这一工作变为可能。Steinmetz和他的研究小组对来自HeLa Kyoto 细胞系的DNA和RNA进行了测序,生成了11亿个DNA读长(read),每个长度为101个碱基对,以及4.5亿个RNA序列。
分析这一基因组,研究人员惊讶地看到了一种称作染色体破碎的显著现象,染色体似乎断裂,然后与无数倒转或次序错乱的区域重新组合。染色体破碎是近期被描述的一种现象,与2-3%的癌症相关。在这种情况下,它有可能追溯到HeLa细胞的源头——Henrietta Lacks的宫颈癌。
Steinmetz 说:“我们正利用这些细胞作为我们研究人类生物学的主力。如果我们具有这些基因组重排,很明显将会对于我们正在开展的基因功能注释产生影响。”
The Genomic and Transcriptomic Landscape of a HeLa Cell Line
HeLa is the most widely used model cell line for studying human cellular and molecular biology. To date, no genomic reference for this cell line has been released, and experiments have relied on the human reference genome. Effective design and interpretation of molecular genetic studies done using HeLa cells requires accurate genomic information. Here we present a detailed genomic and transcriptomic characterization of a HeLa cell line. We performed DNA and RNA sequencing of a HeLa Kyoto cell line and analyzed its mutational portfolio and gene expression profile. Segmentation of the genome according to copy number revealed a remarkably high level of aneuploidy and numerous large structural variants at unprecedented resolution. The extensive genomic rearrangements are indicative of catastrophic chromosome shattering, known as chromothripsis. Our analysis of the HeLa gene expression profile revealed that several pathways, including cell cycle and DNA repair, exhibit significantly different expression patterns from those in normal human tissues. Our results provide the first detailed account of genomic variants in the HeLa genome, yielding insight into their impact on gene expression and cellular function as well as their origins. This study underscores the importance of accounting for the strikingly aberrant characteristics of HeLa cells when designing and interpreting experiments, and has implications for the use of HeLa as a model of human biology.