【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2013年11月08日 来源:生物通
鲁汶大学医院的两个膝盖外科医生在人膝盖中发现了一条以前未知的韧带,这条韧带在前交叉韧带(Anterior cruciate ligament, ACL)撕裂的患者康复中可能起着重要的作用。这些研究成果发表在10月第4期的Journal of Anatomy杂志上。
生物通报道:鲁汶大学医院的两个膝盖外科医生在人膝盖中发现了一条以前未知的韧带,这条韧带在前交叉韧带(Anterior cruciate ligament, ACL)撕裂的患者康复中可能起着重要的作用。这些研究成果发表在10月第4期的Journal of Anatomy杂志上。
如果你认为,数千年积累的知识已经足以解释所有的人体解剖学问题,那么你就错了。在来自鲁汶大学医院的一项最新研究中,研究者首次对前外侧韧带(Anterolateral ligament,ALL)——位于人膝关节肌肉和肌腱中的一个全新的身体部分——进行了解剖学描述。这些研究能帮助内科医生和整形外科医生研制出针对前交叉韧带(Anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)撕裂和其他常见膝关节损伤的、更精细的治疗方法。
这条未知的膝关节韧带,由外科医生French和膝关节专家Paul Segond在1879年发表的一篇论文中首次提出假设,这篇论文涉及到一条在某些骨折中 “珍贵的、耐磨的、纤维状的韧带”。在超过一个世纪后,这条韧带依然令研究者们感到困惑,因为它始终不能被常规定义。当前的这项研究以Segond的论文作为出发点,试图彻底弄清楚是否这个神秘的结构是人类膝关节的一部分。
为了调查研究,第一作者Steven Claes和他的团队完成了41份尸体膝关节的宏观解剖。研究者发现,在所有膝关节中只有一份是那条“珍贵的韧带”,它是一个定义明确的、清晰可辨的结构,连接股骨到前外侧胫骨。这个结构,被称为“前外侧韧带”(ALL),位于膝关节的所谓前外侧(Anterolateral)方向。这证实了Segond论文中的的假设是正确的。
这项研究中的一些结论最近发表在Journal of Anatomy杂志上。解剖协会称赞这项研究“非常的耳目一新”并表扬了研究者们为医学界做出的提醒。尽管先进的技术已经出现,但是我们的人体基础解剖学知识仍然还不够详尽。
Anatomy of the anterolateral ligament of the knee
In 1879, the French surgeon Segond described the existence of a 'pearly, resistant, fibrous band' at the anterolateral aspect of the human knee, attached to the eponymous Segond fracture. To date, the enigma surrounding this anatomical structure is reflected in confusing names such as '(mid-third) lateral capsular ligament', 'capsulo-osseous layer of the iliotibial band' or 'anterolateral ligament', and no clear anatomical description has yet been provided. In this study, the presence and characteristics of Segond's 'pearly band', hereafter termed anterolateral ligament (ALL), was investigated in 41 unpaired, human cadaveric knees. The femoral and tibial attachment of the ALL, its course and its relationship with nearby anatomical structures were studied both qualitatively and quantitatively. In all but one of 41 cadaveric knees (97%), the ALL was found as a well-defined ligamentous structure, clearly distinguishable from the anterolateral joint capsule. The origin of the ALL was situated at the prominence of the lateral femoral epicondyle, slightly anterior to the origin of the lateral collateral ligament, although connecting fibers between the two structures were observed. The ALL showed an oblique course to the anterolateral aspect of the proximal tibia, with firm attachments to the lateral meniscus, thus enveloping the inferior lateral geniculate artery and vein. Its insertion on the anterolateral tibia was grossly located midway between Gerdy's tubercle and the tip of the fibular head, definitely separate from the iliotibial band (ITB). The ALL was found to be a distinct ligamentous structure at the anterolateral aspect of the human knee with consistent origin and insertion site features. By providing a detailed anatomical characterization of the ALL, this study clarifies the long-standing enigma surrounding the existence of a ligamentous structure connecting the femur with the anterolateral tibia. Given its structure and anatomic location, the ALL is hypothesized to control internal tibial rotation and thus to affect the pivot shift phenomenon, although further studies are needed to investigate its biomechanical function.